  • adj.
  • raw的反义词之:其他释义
  • don't come the raw prawn with me
    (Austral. informal)don't try and make me believe something that is not true: don't treat me like a fool (澳,非正式)不要蒙我;不要愚弄我
  • touch someone on the raw
    upset someone by referring to a subject about which they are extremely sensitive 触及…的痛处
  • in the raw
    In a crude or unrefined state 质朴未经雕琢:处于天然或未经精炼的状态 Nude; naked. 裸体,裸露地
  • You feel the same emotions – it is just as raw, just as fresh… You can't turn off that stream of memories, no matter how hard you try.
  • The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggest catalysts ( ' , 催化剂 ), but the big food companies—which want to sell anything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking—made the home cook an endangered species.
  • Bacteria are carried by various 'media', which can include raw food, moist surfaces where bacteria have been left, our hands or skin and from coughing or sneezing (打喷嚏).
    2018年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Barley was an unexpected find: the crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn't become a staple food in central China until about 2,000 years ago, according to the researchers.Based on that timing, they indicate barley may have 34 arrived in the re
    2017年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • Correct! A hundred percent of our raw material comes from Romania.
    2018年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggest catalysts, but the big food companies—which want to sell anything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking—made the home cook an endangered species.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Although many researchers broadly agree that public access to raw data would accelerate science, most are reluctant to post the results of their own labors online.
  • When this water is used for agricultural irrigation, farmers risk absorbing disease-causing bacteria, as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed.
  • For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod ( ' , 鳕 鱼) provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland.
  • Facing water shortages and escalating fertilizer costs, farmers in developing countries are using raw sewage ( ' , 下 水道污水) to irrigate and fertilize nearly 49 million acres of cropland, according to a new report—and it may not be a bad thing.
  • Democrats and Republicans can and will take sides on a number of issues, but a more crucial concern is that both are basing major policy decisions on guesstimates rather than looking at the vast wealth of raw data with a critical eye and an open mind.
  • Producers of agricultural goods and raw materials.
  • Facing water shortages and escalating fertilizer costs, farmers in developing countries are using raw sewage to irrigate and fertilize nearly 49 million acres of cropland, according to a new report—and it may not be a bad thing.
    2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland.
    2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • There was just this egg floating about in gallons of fat and raw bacon.
    2016年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • This is partly driven by the rising price of raw materials and metals.
    2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • Noun
    1. informal terms for nakedness;
    "in the raw""in the altogether""in his birthday suit"
  • Adjective
    1. (used especially of commodities) in the natural unprocessed condition;
    "natural yogurt""natural produce""raw wool""raw sugar""bales of rude cotton"
    2. having the surface exposed and painful;
    "a raw wound"
    3. not treated with heat to prepare it for eating
    4. not processed or refined;
    "raw sewage"
    5. devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure;
    "naked ambition""raw fury""you may kill someone someday with your raw power"
    6. brutally unfair or harsh;
    "received raw treatment from his friends""a raw deal"
    7. not processed or subjected to analysis;
    "raw data""the raw cost of production""only the crude vital statistics"
    8. untempered and unrefined;
    "raw talent""raw beauty"
    9. unpleasantly cold and damp;
    "bleak winds of the North Atlantic"
    10. inflamed and painful;
    "his throat was raw""had a sore throat"
    11. used of wood and furniture;
    "raw wood"
    12. lacking training or experience;
    "the new men were eager to fight""raw recruits""he was still wet behind the ears when he shipped as a hand on a merchant vessel"
    13. (used informally) completely unclothed
  • 计算机: 【修】原始,原料;未处理,未加工;粗糙;= read after write,写后读;