  • 以下这些名词均可表示"新闻,消息,情报" 的意思
  • be good news
    be an asset; be commendable or admirable 是宝贵财富;值得称颂
  • no news is good news
    (proverb)without information to the contrary you can assume that all is well (谚)没有消息就是好消息
  • Blandon, the boat’s owner, has been arrested by Nicaraguan authorities, the state-run news agency said.
  • may be better at solving puzzlescan memorize things with more easemay have greater facility in abstract reasoningcan put what they have learnt into more effective usefind ways to slow down our mental declinefind ways to boost our memoriesunderstand the complex process of mental functioningunderstand the relation between physical and mental healthThe most important thing in the news last week was the rising discussion in Nashville about the educational needs of children.
  • These patterns suggest that some types of mental flexibility decrease relatively early in adulthood, but that the amount of knowledge one has, and the effectiveness of integrating it with one's abilities, may increase throughout all of adulthood if there are no diseases, Salthouse said in a news release.
  • Good morning, what can I do for  you? This is Kerry Burke from New  York Daily News.
  • Obviously, I did what any professional writer would do; I hurried off to spread the good news.
  • That was news to me—I would need to find another way to structure my daily existence.
  • But because you can't drive a car and watch television at the same time, rush hour became radio's prime, while music, talk, and news radio greatly enlarged their audiences.
  • As you are probably aware, the latest job markets news isn't good: Unemployment is still more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero.
  • In the process he brought about great changes in computing, music, telecoms and the news business that were painful for existing firms but welcomed by millions of consumers
  • Hong Kong diners are extremely responsive to new ideas or presentations, which is good news for new dishes.
  • In the morning, I just sit in comfort and read the papers to catch up with the news.
  • Father has told all his business friends the good news about the baby.
  • But soon Smith is reporting the news even before it happens—and it's all terrible—one disaster after another
  • By listening to the morning news.
  • "These patterns suggest that some types of mental flexibility decrease relatively early in adulthood, but that the amount of knowledge one has, and the effectiveness of integrating it with one's abilities, may increase throughout all of adulthood if there
    2016年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • A 20-year-old junior at Georgia Southern University told BuzzFeed News that she normally spends $500-600 on access codes for class.
    2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • A Pearson spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that "digital materials are less expensive and a good investment" that offer new features, like audio texts, personalized knowledge checks and expert videos.
    2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • And no matter how tiny it is, it's still good news.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • Bird lovers, both young and old, have already responded with excitement at the news.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Blandon, the boat's owner, has been arrested by Nicaraguan authorities, the state-run news agency said.
    2017年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • David Anderson, the executive director of higher education with the Association of American Publishers, told BuzzFeed News. "It helps students understand in a way that you can't do with print homework assignments."
    2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • David Hunt, an associate professor in sociology at Augusta University, which has rolled out digital textbooks across its math and psychology departments, told BuzzFeed News that he understands the utility of using systems that require access codes.
    2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Houde told ABC News that he was quite excited about the find.
    2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • Let's start with the bad news that Americans are terrible at technology skills, using email, naming a file on a computer, using a link on the web page, or just texting someone.
    2017年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • Obviously, I did what any professional writer would do; I hurried off to spread the good news.
    2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • She told BuzzFeed News that her freshman chemistry class required her to use Connect, a system provided by McGraw hill where students can suBMIt homework, take exams and track their grades.
    2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • So that's a bit of good news!
    2017年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • That was news to me — I would need to find another way to structure my daily existence.
    2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • The most important thing in the news last week was the rising discussion in Nashville about the educational needs of children.
    2016年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term.
  • So the news that Cablevision, an American cable company, was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism.
  • It is fine and healthy for teens to cultivate their personal interests, and it is good news when young people enjoy harmonious relations with their family and friends.
  • In October 2000, the same month the survey was taken, the Washington-based Center for Media and Public Affairs wrote in its publication Media Monitor that, in a recent month of TV news coverage of American youth, just 2% of teens were shown at home, and just 1% were portrayed in a work setting.
  • U.N. weather expert Geoffrey Love says that is the bad news.
  • The prime minister denied there was a connection between his news adviser's outside interests and the change in legislative programme.
  • That is bad news for any firm that may hope that smartwatches can make up ground for maturing smartphone and tablet markets.
  • Are people suffering from gadget overload? Are they exhausted by the consumer equivalent of the brain fatigue—information overload—that is caused by constant updates of devices and online media?As you are probably aware, the latest job markets news isn’t good: Unemployment is still more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero.
  • Starting in the 1980s, skill in finance grew in importance, and, as depicted in the news media and the movies, became a more appealing source of income.
  • The good news today is that the bad news is not worse.
  • I was hoping to say "journalist," but researchers are already developing software that can gather facts and write a news story.
  • Advocates of the practice have taken issue with his team's use of such evidence as news accounts to support his conclusion that goal-setting is widely over-prescribed.
  • The rising volume of trade – more goods and services shuttling in and out of the United States – is good news for many sectors.
  • The rising tide of trade is also good news for people who work in trade-sensitive businesses, especially those that produce commodities for which global demand sets the price – agricultural goods, mining, metals, oil
  • Obama's success isn't all good news for black Americans As Erin White watched the election results head towards victory for Barack Obama, she felt a burden lifting from her shoulders
  • I wasn't surprised when this didn't make the news here in the United States—we're now the only wealthy country without such a policy
  • I have to do an interview for the evening news about a man with dozens of cats.
  • The man is excited at the news of the shuttle flight.
  • Several days ago, my 23-year-old daughter came to me with some important news.
  • She would prefer to start writing about something more interesting and less unpleasant such as local news or politics, maybe next year Florence Hayes Green Ville 32 What is Florence Hayes' main responsibility as a journalist
  • Hunting news for the daily headlines.
  • The time is 9 o'clock and this is Marian Snow with the news.
  • What does the news say about the Boeing 737 plane
  • And now, for the lighter side of the news, Europe is setting an example for the rest of the world, when it comes to food waste.
    2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • As you are probably aware, the latest job markets news isn't good: Unemployment is still more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero.
    2015年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • But the good news is that, Moffitt says, self-control can be taught by parents, and through school curricula that have been proved to be effective.
    2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • In October 2000, the same month the survey was taken, the Washington-based Center for Media and Public Affairs wrote in its publication Media Monitor that, in a recent month of TV news coverage of American youth, just 2% of teens were shown at home, and j
    2016年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • One of the most significant pieces of news from the US in early 2017 was the efforts of Google to make autonomous driving a reality.
    2019年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • Sales of Barbie dolls have been falling every year since 2012, according to CBC news.
    2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • That is bad news for any firm that may hope that smart watches can make up ground for maturing smartphone and tablet markets.
    2016年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term.
    2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • The good news is that most of this technology is already invented.
    2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • They are the people who write the news stories as they come in.
    2015年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • They help army send news about battles and signs of enemy forces.
    2018年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • Twenge and her colleagues also found that across the key years of 2013-16, well-being was indeed lowest in years where adolescents spent more time online, on social media, and reading news online, and when more youth in the United States had smartphones.
    2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • Noun
    1. new information about specific and timely events;
    "they awaited news of the outcome"
    2. new information of any kind;
    "it was news to me"
    3. a program devoted to news;
    "we watch the 7 o'clock news every night"
    4. information reported in a newspaper or news magazine;
    "the news of my death was greatly exaggerated"
    5. the quality of being sufficiently interesting to be reported in news bulletins;
    "the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial""he is no longer news in the fashion world"