  • 以下这些名词均包含 "小说,故事" 的意思
  • but that's another story
    (informal)used after raising a matter to indicate that one does not want to expand on it for now (非正式)但是那是另一回事
  • end of story
    (informal)used to emphasize that there is nothing to add on a matter just mentioned (非正式)就是这个样子,仅此而已
  • it's a long story
    (informal)used to indicate that, for now, one does not want to talk about something that is too painful and involved (非正式)说来话长,一言难尽
  • it's (或 that's) the story of one's life
    (informal)used to lament the fact that a particular misfortune has happened too often in one's experience (非正式)那就是…经历的缩影
  • the same old story
    used to indicate that a particular bad situation is tediously familiar 老一套,老样子
  • the story goes
    it is said or rumoured 据说;据谣传
  • to cut (或 北美
    used to end an account of events quickly 长话短说,简而言之
  • The tests are designed to detect subtle ( ' , 细微的) changes in mental function, and involve solving puzzles, recalling words and details from stories, and identifying patterns in collections of letters and symbols.
  • You may have heard some of the fashion industry horror stories: models eating tissues or cotton balls to hold off hunger, and models collapsing from hunger-induced heart attacks just seconds after they step off the runway.
  • We can cultivate a growth mind-set in children by telling success stories that emphasize hard work and love of learning.
  • How do we transmit a growth mind-set to our children? One way is by telling stories about achievements that result from hard work.
  • A friend told me the following story.
  • And she makes a little extra money by sending stories to newspapers in the States.
  • By writing stories for American newspapers
  • Anyway, there is a little more to tell, but I don't want to ruin the story for you.
  • Over 66% of teens like to read fiction, such as novels and stories.
  • of students listed reading stories about people my own age
  • Mysteries and detective stories came second on the list at 53%.
  • Mysteries and detective stories
  • I really like these old episodes of "The Twilight Zone" because the stories are fascinating.
  • She is fond of telling stories in her speech
  • A new sign in the window told the story.
  • A Moon Express representative declined to comment on the story, but noted that the company is very optimistic about its proposal.
    2018年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • A well-known, but inaccurate, story about Julia Child may have contributed to this food myth.
    2018年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Anna Gomez leads in an exciting production of the great Spanish love story, Carmen.
    2018年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • The elevation of the room that once belonged only to the servants to that of design showcase for the modem family tells the story of a century of social change.
  • Per-capita local government spendingIn other words, communities with high levels of per-capita income growth, high percentages of two-parent families, and high local government spending—which may stand for good schools— are the most likely to help poor children relive Horatio Alger's rags-to-riches story.
  • And there is more to the story, because not only are the devices that house incandescent bulbs shaped to their underlying characteristics, but rooms and entire buildings have been designed in accordance with how incandescent lighting reflects off walls and windows.
  • ( ' , Harvard, for example, boasts a six-year graduation rate for underrepresented minority groups of 98 percent)Christian Vazquez, a first-generation Yale graduate, is another exception, his success story setting him far apart from students such as Nijay.
  • There's no question Oprah's achievements place her in the temple of American success stories.
  • He tells the story of a patient, a first-time mother who complained that her young son was always clinging to her, wrapping himself around her legs wherever she went.
  • It is flavoured with humourous stories.
  • I was hoping to say "journalist," but researchers are already developing software that can gather facts and write a news story.
  • Your least-favorite reporter suggests a dumb story idea.
  • This scenario is common in newsrooms that lack a systematic way to filter story suggestions
  • The American economy used to thrive on immigration but now it's a different story.
  • First, you need a system for how stories are proposed and reviewed.
  • To ensure fairness to reporters, it is important to set up a system for stories to be proposed and reviewed
  • J's (Biography of John Muir)-John Muir's own writings to bring readers a life story of this remarkable man who did so much to raise American's awareness of environmental issues.
  • Readers will feel they know John Muir after reading his story and may catch his passion for preserving the riches of our land
  • He liked hair-raising stories.
  • Publicize his colorful and unique life stories
  • There are two sides to every story you know.
  • What is the key to write a good classical detective story according to the man?
  • "Everybody has a scary story about someone getting scooped." says New York University astronomer David Hogg.
    2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • And there is more to the story, because not only are the devices that house incandescent bulbs shaped to their underlying characteristics, but rooms and entire buildings have been designed in accordance with how incandescent lighting reflects off walls an
    2015年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • Because it's such a pity if you start off on a bright tone on a story and suddenly realize you are talking about some people having been killed in a road crash.
    2015年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Christian Vazquez, a first-generation Yale graduate, is another exception, his success story setting him far apart from students such as Nijay.
    2015年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Her new book Swell inter-weaves her own story with a history of female pioneers who accomplished remarkable feats and paved the way for future generations.
    2018年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • In other words, communities with high levels of per-capita income growth, high percentages of two-parent families, and high local government spending — which may stand for good schools — are the most likely to help poor children relive Horatio Alger's rag
    2015年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • The elevation of the room that once belonged only to the servants to that of design showcase for the modern family tells the story of a century of social change.
    2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • The image which also contained novel descriptions of ants, fascinated a European audience that was more concerned with the exotic story unfolding before them than the gender of the person who painted it.
    2018年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • This is the story of the little fox that has come back, and the people who have dedicated their lives to protecting it.
    2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A
  • This is the story of wildlife conservation in the age of mass extinction.
    2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A
  • Today, I'd like to preface my remarks with a story from my own life which I feel highlights the common concerns that bring us here together.
    2015年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • Noun
    1. a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program;
    "his narrative was interesting""Disney's stories entertain adults as well as children"
    2. a piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events;
    "he writes stories for the magazines"
    3. structure consisting of a room or set of rooms comprising a single level of a multilevel building;
    "what level is the office on?"
    4. a record or narrative description of past events;
    "a history of France""he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president""the story of exposure to lead"
    5. a short account of the news;
    "the report of his speech""the story was on the 11 o'clock news""the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious"
    6. a trivial lie;
    "he told a fib about eating his spinach""how can I stop my child from telling stories?"