  • 以下这些动词均有"抛,投,掷" 的意思
  • cast about
    To make a search; look 搜寻;寻觅 To devise means; contrive 想方设法;计划
  • cast around
    To search about 寻找
  • cast off
    To discard; reject 抛弃;拒绝 To let go; set loose 释放;使自由 To make the last row of stitches in knitting. 收针,织好:在编织中织最后一排针脚 &I{Printing} To estimate the space a mansucript will occupy when set into type. &I{【印刷术】} 估计排版的空间:估计一篇手稿排版时所占的篇幅
  • cast on
    To make the first row of stitches in knitting. 编织时起针
  • cast out
    To drive out by force; expel. 以武力赶开;驱逐
  • be cast in a – mould
    be of the type specified 为某种类型
  • cast adrift
  • cast one's bread upon the waters
  • cast one's eyes over
    have a quick appraising look at 快速查看
  • cast light on
  • cast lots
  • cast one's mind back
    think back to a particular event or time 回顾,回忆
  • cast about (或 around 或 round)
    search far and wide (physically or mentally) 四处寻找;反复思索
  • be cast away
    be stranded after a shipwreck (船失事后)搁浅
  • When night falls, red and blue and other colors cast a hazy glow over a city lit up by tens of thousands of neon signs.
    2018年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • If Paris was cast aside, the tradition of beauty was also to some degree slighted.
  • And because those influence educational success and later earnings, early childhood experiences cast a lifelong shadow.
  • On top of the tragic loss of life, the accident in California will cast a long shadow over the future of space tourism, even before it has properly begun.
  • Noun
    1. the actors in a play
    2. container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens
    3. the distinctive form in which a thing is made;
    "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"
    4. the visual appearance of something or someone;
    "the delicate cast of his features"
    5. bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal
    6. object formed by a mold
    7. the act of throwing dice
    8. the act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reel
    9. a violent throw
  • Verb
    1. put or send forth;
    "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner""The setting sun threw long shadows""cast a spell""cast a warm light"
    2. deposit;
    "cast a vote""cast a ballot"
    3. select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet;
    "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona"
    4. throw forcefully
    5. assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors;
    "Who cast this beautiful movie?"
    6. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment;
    "The gypsies roamed the woods""roving vagabonds""the wandering Jew""The cattle roam across the prairie""the laborers drift from one town to the next""They rolled from town to town"
    7. form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold;
    "cast a bronze sculpture"
    8. get rid of;
    "he shed his image as a pushy boss""shed your clothes"
    9. choose at random;
    "draw a card""cast lots"
    10. formulate in a particular style or language;
    "I wouldn't put it that way""She cast her request in very polite language"
    11. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth;
    "After drinking too much, the students vomited""He purged continuously""The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"
  • Adjective
    1. (of molten metal or glass) formed by pouring or pressing into a mold
  • 体育: 帆船顺风换抢;接钩线;
    化学: 铸塑;
    医学: 管型:某样物体的阴模复制品,封闭空间的固体样复制品,例如在空腔器官(肾小管,细支气管等)的模型物,可由其中渗出的可塑性物质形成,并排出体外,例如尿管型;模型:一种物体的精确复制品或拷贝,它是用可塑性物质在印模或铸模中造成;铸造:用铸模制作一物体;硬质的敷料:此敷料于柔韧时做成身体的模型,干时变硬,以给予坚固的支持;牙模:上颌或下颌弓或其一部分的正性复制品,它是由上或下颌弓的印模制成的,又称model;斜视,斜眼:同strabismus;管型:A.尿中鳞状上皮(上半部)及上皮管型(上半部);B.;
    土木工程: 铸铁管片;cast-iron segment;钻孔灌注桩;cast-in-place pile;
    地质学: 铸型;
    旅游: 演员表;
    法律: 辞退;
    生物学: 铸型;