  • medieval Latin
    in the year —— ad 在…年
  • —— of the year
    a person or thing chosen as outstanding in a specified field or of a specified kind in a particular year 本年度最杰出的人(或事)
  • put years on (或 take years off) someone
    make someone feel or look older (or younger) 使某人感觉(或看起来)更老(或更年轻)
  • a year and a day
    the period specified in some legal matters to ensure the completion of a full year 一年零一日的期限(某些法律规定的终止期限)
  • the year dot
  • year in, year out
    continuously or repeatedly over a period of years 年复一年,一年又一年
  • Within two years, Leah shed the safety of her accounting job and made the switch complete.
  • There's an ancient legend that as long as these eggs are made, evil will not prevail in the world, says Joan Brander, a Canadian egg-painter who has been painting eggs for over 60 years, having learned the art from her Ukrainian relatives.
  • Several years ago, she became interested in eggs and learned the traditional Ukrainian technique to draw her very modern characters.
  • Product transitions used to take five or seven years; now they take one or two.
  • Most roads, bridges, transit, water systems, the electric grid, and communications networks were installed 50 to 100 years ago, and they are largely taken for granted until they fail.
  • Leah reflects on a time she listened to the whispers: About the time my daughter was five years old, I started having a sense that ‘this isn't right.
  • It has a history of over two thousand years.
  • In the last year alone, despite an increase in the UK population and a subsequent rise in the number of households, sales of toilet paper fell by 2%, with the average household reducing their toilet roll spending from £43 in 2014 to £41 in 2015.
  • I had spent two years cultivating this community, and it had become successful very fast, within six months, but I was facing the prospect of losing it all.
  • Ask Nima Veiseh what he was doing for any day in the past 15 years, however, and he will give you the details of the weather, what he was wearing, or even what side of the train he was sitting on his journey to work.
  • Another issue affecting real estate in the coming year will be America's failing infrastructure.
  • Wild carrots probably evolved with the other flowering plants about 360 million years ago.
  • The second trip was made in October last year.
  • The red color was popular for Chinese New Year celebrations.
  • He estimated that the comfort level will increase considerably in five to ten years3) One dog has been killed and multiple dogs have been injured by a snowmobile driver in what appears to be an intentional attack on competitors in the Iditarod Race in Alaska.
  • Yet the cost we project for saving civilization would amount to less than $200 billion a year, 1/6 of current global military spending.
  • They tend to decline in people's later years.
  • The study included healthy, educated adults who took standard tests of memory, reasoning and perception at the outset and at some point over the next seven years.
  • The federal Head Start program, launched 50 years ago, has served more than 30 million children.
  • On the demand side, those trends include the ongoing addition of more than 70 million people a year, a growing number of people wanting to move up the food chain to consume -72- highly grain-intensive meat products, and the massive diversion ( ' , 转向) of U.S. grain to the production of bio-fuel.
  • Most people's minds function at a high level even in their later years, according to researcher Timothy Salthouse.
  • It weakens in one's later years.
  • In a study last year, of all people surveyed, 48 percent said they wanted to ride in one, while 50 percent did notThe fact that attitudes toward self-driving cars appear to be so steady across generations suggests how transformative the shift to driverless cars could be.
  • For many years I have studied global agricultural, population, environmental and economic trends and their interactions.
  • A quarter of this year's American grain harvest will be used to produce bio-fuel for cars.
  • A fourth of this year's U.S. grain harvest will go to fuel cars.
  • The report warns that 200 million poor workers are at risk of joining the ranks of people living on less than two dollars per day in the past three years.
  • Jody has a Ph.D.in nutrition, but more important, she has personal experience—her mother taught her to diet when she was only eight years old.
  • Jody has a Ph.D. in nutrition, but more important, she has personal experience—her mother taught her to diet when she was only eight years old.
  • In its latest update on global employment trends, the agency says projections of the number of unemployed people this year range from 210 million to nearly 240 million people.
  • And based on past experiences, it takes four to five years after economic recovery for unemployment to return to pre-crisis levels.
  • 92 were found to have higher nicotine yields than they did six years previously.
  • We validated these expectations in a study in which two other psychologists and I monitored 373 students for two years during the transition to junior high school, when the work gets more difficult and the grading -102- more strict, to determine how their mind-sets might affect their math grades.
  • The secret to eating less and being happy about it may have been cracked years ago—by McDonald's.
  • Research is converging ( ' , 汇聚) on the conclusion that great accomplishment and even genius is typically the result of years of passion and dedication and not something that flows naturally from a gift.
  • Many of the reductions over the past 30 years have been achieved either by reducing the amount of sugar, salt or fat in a product, or by finding an alternative ingredient.
  • It's an administrative sham ( ' , 欺诈) of the kind that has multiplied over the last 30 years.
  • I designed an eight-session workshop for 91 students whose math grades were declining in their first year of junior high.
  • Cracker Jacks has been gamifying its snack food by putting a small prize inside for more than 100 years, he adds, and the turn-ofthe- century steel magnate ( ' , 巨头) Charles Schwab is said to have often come into his factory and written the number of tons of steel produced on the past shift on the factory floor, thus motivating the next shift of workers to beat the previous one.
  • By contrast, a Danish tax on foods high in fats was abandoned a year after its introduction, amid claims that consumers were avoiding it by crossing the border to Germany to satisfy their desire for cheaper, fattier fare.
  • But the word gamification and the widespread, conscious application of the concept only began in earnest about five years ago, Werbach says.
  • As a result, their math grades overtook those of the other students by the end of the first semester—and the gap between the two groups continued to widen during the two years we followed them.
  • A number of companies have sprung up—GamEffective, Bunchball and Badgeville, to name a few—in recent years offering gamification platforms for businesses.
  • The U.S. Postal Service announced today that it is considering closing about 3,700 post offices over the next year because of falling revenues.
  • He says the prices this year have been so low that he has made almost no profit.
  • He has been growing tea in the Kerugoya area for 40 years.
  • Facing an 8.3-billion-dollar budget deficit this year, closing post offices is one of several proposals the Postal Service has put forth recently to cut costs.
  • Supermarkets offer more variety than ever, and there are over four times as many farmers' markets in the U.S. as there were 20 years ago.
  • Should a woman who possessed a small amount of drugs years ago be permanently unable to be licensed as a nurse?These laws are also counterproductive, since they make it harder for people with criminal records to find housing or land a job, two key factors that reduce backsliding.
  • On New Year's Eve, Russians have the world's latest bedtime, hitting the hay at around 3:30 a.m.
  • Looking back on too many years of education, I can identify one truly impossible teacher.
  • It has pleasant weather all year round.
  • If the most health-conscious among us have such deep swings in our shut-eye levels throughout the year, how much sleep are the rest of us losing? They are culture-related.
  • For me it took the form of my first, and I hope only, encounter with writer's block—I was not able to produce anything for three years.
  • Canada got the least sleep of the year the night it beat Sweden in the Olympic hockey ( ' , 冰球 ) final.
  • But, in the years that followed, her sustained tutoring suggested that Kafka might be wrong about the solitude.
  • I am sure I wrote essays in the later years of high school without my mother's guidance, but I can't recall them.
  • The number of British films being made has declined in the past few years, according to new figures.
  • Once, just after I returned from my year in Vienna, I was asked to translate for a German judge at an Olympiclevel horse event.
  • It has been brought on by years of eating anything he could get his hands on.
  • If I had the time and money, Iwould live for a year in as many countries as possible.
  • ConAgra’s Research and Development staff spent a year working under the instruction: whatever the cost, don’t sacrifice taste.
  • In 1955 Time's Man of the Year was Harlow Curtice, the boss of GM.
  • Because Harlow Curtice's firm was leading America in creating "a new economic order", he was named by Time magazine asMan of the Year in
  • Americans drove more miles last year than any other year on record.
    2017年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Anyway, I'm only going to be there for a year, doing my masters, so it's pretty good.
    2019年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • Around 1804, Talleyrand challenged Careme to produce a full menu for his personal castle, instructing the young baker to use local, seasonal fruits and vegetables and to avoid repeating main dishes over the course of an entire year.
    2018年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • Asian-American students have been eager participants in a state program that permits them to take summer classes off campus for high school credit, allowing them to maximize the number of honors and Advanced Placement classes they can take, another practi
    2018年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • Billions of dollars each year are spent on schools and libraries.
    2016年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • Canada got the least sleep of the year the night it beat Sweden in the Olympic hockey (冰球) final.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • Come to think of it, my parents did throw her a surprise party that year.
    2017年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • ConAgra's Research and Development staff spent a year working under the instruction: whatever the cost, don't sacrifice taste.
    2015年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • Congratulations! Yes, I believe for international students, you'll have to pay around 13,000 pounds a year.
    2019年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • Earlier this year, Italy signed an accord with UNESCO to establish a task force of police art detectives and archaeologists (考古学家) to protect cultural heritage from natural disasters and terror groups, such as IsiS.
    2018年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • Enjoy the snow now, because chances are good that 2014 will be even hotter, perhaps the hottest year since records have been kept.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A
  • For example, we have quartz crystal clocks and watches accurate to within one minute a year.
    2017年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • For most of the first year of life, if something is out of sight, it's out of mind.
    2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A
  • He says the prices this year have been so low that he has made almost no profit.
    2016年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • If all goes well, the company says it could have the feature in all of its hotels by next year.
    2015年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • If I had the time and money, I would live for a year in as many countries as possible.
    2015年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • If the most health-conscious among us have such deep swings in our shut-eye levels throughout the year, how much sleep are the rest of us losing?
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • If the show is a success, we can then look at making a second season for the following year.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • In Lagos, foreign oil workers can pay as much as $65,000 per year in rent for a modest apartment in a safe part of town.
    2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • I've been looking for a job for a year and more.
    2016年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • Last year, a study from Aston University in the UK used nearly identical parameters to our study and found similar results.
    2018年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Last year, supporters pushed for Pedals to be moved to a shelter, but New Jersey officials have said they won't allow the bear to be captured and transferred to the facility.
    2017年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Late November and December saw early snow and bone-chilling temperatures in much of the country, part of a year when, for the first time in two decades, record-cold days will likely turn out to have outnumbered record-warm ones.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A
  • Lost income alone amounts to $225 billion a year.
    2018年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • millions die early from air pollution each year.
    2018年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • Next week, the exhibition will be taken over by the wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Officials of the Tunisian government are especially worried after dozens of tourists were killed in the attack in Tunisia last year.
  • On the demand side, those trends include the ongoing addition of more than 70 million people a year, a growing number of people wanting to move up the food chain to consume highly grain-intensive meat products, and the massive diversion of U.S. grain to t
    2016年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • Once, just after I returned from my year in Vienna, I was asked to translate for a German judge at an Olympic level horse event.
    2015年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • Plus, she's not sure what she'll be doing next year.
    2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • Seattle gets an average of a mere 7 days a year with thunder.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • So, for example, my sister's birthday is December 9th and her golden birthday would have been the year she turned nine years old.
    2017年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • Starting April 28 of this year, the National Museum of Natural history will begin renovating its fossil hall.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Storms and floods in its main potato growing region last year caused the worst harvest in more than 3 decades.
    2018年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • That's because, scientists are predicting, 2014 will be an El niño year.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A
  • The authors also calculate that the emissions from using 19 microwaves over a year are the same as those from using a car.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • Thus was born the idea of the Grand Tour, a practice which introduced Englishmen, Germans, Scandinavians, and also Americans to the art and culture of France and Italy for the next 300 years.
  • The retail giant said the poor financial performance this year has pushed it to begin implementing $400 million in cost-cutting measures.
  • The challenge is if certain types of people are doing something, it's difficult for other people to break into it, said Po-Shen Loh, the head coach of last year's winning U.S.Math Olympiad team.
  • The achievement gap between children from high- and lowincome families is 30-40% larger among children born in 2001 than those born 25 years earlier, according to Mr.
  • Some socioeconomic differences in child rearing have shrunk in the past ten years.
  • Over the next five years, the group helps the students get into other elite summer math programs, high-performing high schools, and eventually college.
  • Of families earning more than $75,000 a year, 84% say their children have participated in organized sports over the past year, 64% have done volunteer work and 62% have taken lessons in music, dance or art.
  • Nearly all members of last year's winning U.S.IMO team took part in MathCounts as middle school students, as did Loh, the coach.
  • Last year, the Royal Society in London said in its report that scientists need to shift away from a research culture where data is viewed as a private preserve.
  • It's also pushing ahead in 2016 with an expansion of Bluemercury, the beauty chain it bought last year.
  • Interest in elite high school math competitions has grown in recent years, and in light of last summer's U.S. win at the International Math Olympiad ( ' , IMO)—the first for an American team in more than two decades— the trend is likely to continue.
  • In the past few years, MathCounts added two new middle school programs to try to diversify its participant pool—the National Math Club and the Math Video Challenge.
  • In the Pew survey, middle-class families earning between $30,000 and $75,000 a year fell right between working-class and high-earning parents on issues like the quality of their neighborhood for raising children, participation in extracurricular activities and involvement in their children's education.
  • Facilities management has greatly improved in recent years.
  • Another influential feeder for advanced-math students is an online school called Art of Problem Solving, which began about 13 years ago and now has 15,000 users.
  • After the high-pressure Countdown round at this year's national MathCounts competition, in which the top 12 students went head to head solving complex problems in rapid fire, the finalists for the Math Video Challenge took the stage to show their videos.
  • Addressing differences in the earliest years, it seems, could reduce inequality in the next generation.
  • According to Richard Rusczyk, the company founder, the six U.S.team members who competed at the IMO last year collectively took more than 40 courses on the site.
  • According to Mark Saul, the director of competitions for the Mathematical Association of America, not a single African-American or Hispanic student—and only a handful of girls—has ever made it to the Math Olympiad team in its 50 years of existence.
  • About 80% of our company's year-over-year declines in comparable sales can be attributed to shortfalls ( ' , 短缺) in cold-weather goods, said chief executive Terry Lundgren in a press release.
  • 2% in November and December at stores open more than a year, a disappointing holiday season performance that capped a difficult year for a department store chain facing wideranging challenges.
  • Retailers make the most money this time of a year, about 20 to 30 percent of annual revenue.
  • It is the busiest shopping day of the year.
  • For years, many of us have relied on antibiotic use to treat various infections.
  • For the next few years, you have a chance to focus on thinking.
  • And the reality is that antibiotics have been responsible for saving millions of lives since penicillin, one of the earliest antibiotics, was first used on a clinical basis 70 years ago.
  • Within just the past five years, I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal, anything goes mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century.
  • With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50% per metric ton over the last year in some places, human waste is an attractive, and often necessary, alternative.
  • The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world, read the final declaration from this gathering, the first of a sequence which would lead to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 and the World Development Summit in Johannesburg three years ago.
  • The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a vast four-year global study which reported its initial conclusions earlier this year, found reasons to believe that managing ecosystems sustainably—working with nature rather than against it—might be less profitable in the short term, but certainly brings long-term rewards.
  • Spending fell by 10% in the first half of the year.
  • Our problems are structural, and will take many years to solve.
  • Nearly 2.2 million people die a year because of diarrhea-related ( ' , 与腹泻相关 的) diseases, according to WHO statistics.
  • Most agree that the solution is to push doctors to accept fixed payments to care for a particular illness or for a patient's needs over a year.
  • Magna, an advertising agency, reckons it will be worth about $138 million this year.
  • Just having a strong teacher for one elementary year left pupils a bit less likely to become mothers as teenagers, a bit more likely to go to college and earning more money at age 28.
  • It's been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years, says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy.
  • Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements, has been pushed for years.
  • Interactive television advertising will become popular in 10-12 years.
  • In the year to August 2007, IKEA, a Swedish furniture chain, sold over one million kitchens worldwide.
  • In the last five years or so, there has been an explosion of green claims and environmental claims.
  • Hunt through the reports prepared by UN agencies and development groups—many for conferences such as this year's Millennium Goals review—and you will find that the linkage between environmental protection and economic progress is a common thread.
  • Get a bottom 1% teacher, and the effect is the same as if a child misses 40% of the school year.
  • Even during the turbulent years of last century, youth rebellion was often exaggerated in the media.
  • David Mallen, associate director of the Council of Better Business Bureau, said in the last two years the organization had seen an increase in the number of claims companies were bringing against each other for false or misleading environmental product claims.
  • Cablevision hopes to allow customers to buy things with their remote controls early next year.
  • But researchers are improving systems to measure a teacher's performance throughout the year, and, with three years of data, it's usually possible to tell which teachers are failing.
  • BrightLine iTV, which designs and sells interactive ads, says interest has surged: it expects its revenues almost to triple this year.
  • A new effort led by Canoe Ventures, a coalition of leading cable providers, aims to make interactive advertising available across America later this year.
  • A handful of lawsuits have been filed in recent years against companies accused of using misleading environmental labels.
  • A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy's needs—and suddenly industry was eager to employ those unadaptable and untrained workers.
  • Today, my guest is Dana Ivanovich, who has worked for the last twenty years as an interpreter.
  • The report warnsthe picture on wages is likely to get worse this year despite indications of an economic rebound.
  • Now, a new study that began with about 1,000 children in New Zealand has tracked how a child’s low self-control can predict poor health, money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years.
  • Mothers have been warned for years that sleeping with their newborn infant is a bad idea, because it increases the risk that the baby might die unexpectedly during the night.
  • Gregg Rosen lost his job as a sales  nearly three years ago and is still unemployed.
  • Earlier this year, British explorer  Hadow and his team trekked for three months across the frozen Arctic Ocean, taking measurements and recording observations about the ice.
  • Today, energy storage is a $33 billion global industry that generates nearly 100 gigawatt-hours of electricity per year.
  • This year's electronics show featured the presence of many officials from the federal government.
  • There's a lot for students to complain about: the repayment threshold for paying back loans will be frozen for five years, meaning that lower-paid graduates have to start repaying their loans; and maintenance grants have been replaced by loans, meaning that students from poorer backgrounds face higher debt than those with wealthier parents.
  • There is not any one-hit wonder, and there will not be one for years to come, said Gary Shapiro, president and chief executive of the Consumer Technology Association ( ' , CTA).
  • The Paris climate agreement finalised in December last year heralded a new era for climate action.
  • The Consumer Electronics Show in recent years has begun to focus more on the practical value than the showiness of electronic devices.
  • The 83% of American employees who are stressed about their jobs – up from 73% just a year before – say that poor compensation and an unreasonable workload are their number-one sources of stress.
  • That, too, explains the heavy Washington presence at this year's show, as these new technologies intrude upon heavily regulated areas.
  • Teenagers' lifestyles have changed greatly in recent years.
  • Scan the highlights of this year's Consumer Electronics Show ( ' , CES), and you may get a slight feeling of having seen them before.
  • Only 13 percent of respondents said that they were interested in buying a smartwatch in 2016, for example – an increase of just one percent from the previous year despite a year of high-profile launches.
  • More than 100 years ago, American sociologist W.
  • Many of the coolest gadgets this year are the same as the coolest gadgets last year – or the year before, even.
  • It opened its fourth station last year and is pressing ahead with plans to build a fifth.
  • In addition to many senior officials from the Federal Trade and Federal Communications commissions, this year's list of policy makers also includes appearances from Transportation Curran, the Accenture analyst, said that increased government interest in the show makes sense as technology becomes a larger part of our lives.
  • In a study published last year, psychologists coined the term workplace telepressure to describe an employee's urge to immediately respond to emails and engage in obsessive thoughts about returning an email to one's boss, colleagues or clients.
  • If going to university doesn't work out, students pay very little--if any--of their tuition fees back: you only start repaying when you are earning £21,000 a year.
  • For years, smartphones, televisions, tablets, laptops and desktops have made up a huge part of the market and driven innovation.
  • For example, when asked whether they would buy a new smartphone this year, only 48 percent said yes – a six-point drop from 2015.
  • Fewer innovative products were found at this year's electronic products show.
  • Du Bravac works for CTA – which puts on the show each year – and said that this shift to a search for solutions has been noticeable as he researched his predictions for 2016.
  • Colombia said this year that it planned to join other South American nations with bases in Antarctica.
  • But over the last couple of years, and in this one in particular, we are starting to see companies shift from what is the largest screen size, the smallest form factor or the shiniest object and more into what all of these devices do that is practical in a consumer's life.
  • Brazil opened a research station in 1984, but it was largely destroyed by a fire that killed two members of the navy in 2012, the same year that a diesel-laden Brazilian barge sank near the base.
  • As some countries expand operations in Antarctica, the United States maintains three year-round stations on the continent with more than 1,000 people during the southern hemisphere's summer, including those at the Amundsen-Scott station, built in 1956 at an elevation of 9,301 feet on a plateau at the South Pole.
  • She’s figured out that it will take her another three years to pay it off at 30 dollars a month.
  • People physically fit enough to survive over 100 years ultimately give in to diseases such as Alzheimer’s, which affects the mind and cognitive function.
  • One Chicago woman, for example, discovered that daily lunches with coworkers cost her 2,000 dollars a year.
  • In recent years, the death rate among American centenarians—people who have lived to age 100 or older—has decreased, dropping 14% for women and 20% for men from 2008 to 2014.
  • And I’m going to pick a definition from a former colleague, Robert Sternberg, who is now the dean at Tufts University, but was here on our faculty at Yale for nearly 30 years.
  • When investors put up money to build, say, a nuclear power plant, they expect to earn that money back over the planned life of the plant, which is typically between 40 and 60 years.
  • We worry most about now because if we don't survive for the next minute, we're not going to be around in ten years' time, says Professor Elke Weber of the Centre for Research on Environmental Decisions at Columbia University in New York.
  • Twenty years later, it was purposefully dropped to make way for Negro.
  • This is a very sensible way for an animal to make decisions in the wild and would have been very helpful for humans for thousands of years.
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for instance, admits only that the graduation rate for its first-generation pupils is much lower than the percentage of all students who graduate within four years ( ' , 81 percent).
  • The Love Food, Hate Waste campaign entered into a collaboration last year with another such network — the Women's Institute.
  • The African-American group estimated that he earned about $37,000 a year and had a two-year college degree.
  • Some coal power plants in the United States have operated for more than 70 years! The oldest continuously operated commercial hydro-electric plant in the United States is on New York's Hudson River, and it went into commercial service in 1898.
  • One hundred years ago, Colored was the typical way of referring to Americans of African descent.
  • Medicare could save hundreds of millions of dollars a year if everyone used the cheaper drug, Avastin, instead of the costlier one, Lucentis.
  • It is one thing to say that we are going to shift 30 percent of our electricity supply from, say, coal to nuclear power in 20 years.
  • It has experienced dramatic changes in recent years.
  • In the US, the House of Representatives Science Committee has approved a bill allocating $10 million a year to studying energy-related behaviour.
  • Noun
    1. a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days;
    "she is 4 years old""in the year 1920"
    2. a period of time occupying a regular part of a calendar year that is used for some particular activity;
    "a school year"
    3. the period of time that it takes for a planet (as, e.g., Earth or Mars) to make a complete revolution around the sun;
    "a Martian year takes 687 of our days"
    4. a body of students who graduate together;
    "the class of '97""she was in my year at Hoehandle High"
  • 天文学: 年(以地球公转周期为基准的时间单位);
    水产: 周年产卵;round spawning 生物一年四季均可产卵繁殖的产卵类型。;