  • go out (of) the window
    (informal)(of a plan or pattern or behaviour) no longer exist; disappear (非正式)(计划,模式,行为)不再存在,消失
  • window of opportunity
    a favourable opportunity for doing something that must be seized immediately if it is not to be missed 有利时机,最佳时机
  • window of vulnerability
    an opportunity to attack something that is at risk (especially as a cold war claim that America's land-based missiles were easy targets for a Soviet first strike) 脆弱之时(尤指冷战时期,美国的陆基导弹很容易成为苏联首次攻击目标的论点)
  • windows of the soul
    organs of sense, especially the eyes 心灵之窗(尤指眼睛)
  • A couple of recent papers have finally opened a window on these people's extraordinary minds.
  • With a wireless setup, you stick batterypowered sensors up around your home that keep an eye on windows, doors, motion, and more.
  • The wide majority of the rest were illegal, unforced entries that resulted from something like a window being left open.
  • The most likely type of burglary ( ' , 入室盗窃) by far is the unsophisticated crime of opportunity, usually involving a broken window or some forced entry.
  • That means defeating the lock somehow, or breaking a window.
  • He'll need to be jamming you at this point, as a broken window or opened door would normally release the alarm.
  • But inside, special windows cut power bills by blocking solar heat in summer and retaining indoor warmth in winter.
  • On the other hand,there have been hundreds of thefts and cases of deliberate damaging of public property, which usually involves breaking windows or lights or writing on walls.
  • Why don't you just go to the ticket window and ask?
  • A new sign in the window told the story.
  • Online office workers posted photos and videos of the raccoon, resting on window edges and climbing up the building's concrete exterior.
    2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • The animal made it to the roof of the building, after it took a long break on a 17th floor window edge.
    2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • The brown animal was spotted stuck on a narrow window edge of the office tower.
    2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • The most likely type of burglary by far is the unsophisticated crime of opportunity, usually involving a broken window or some forced entry.
    2016年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • Not only that, it supports a number of platforms: Apple's i OS, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows phone.
  • And there is more to the story, because not only are the devices that house incandescent bulbs shaped to their underlying characteristics, but rooms and entire buildings have been designed in accordance with how incandescent lighting reflects off walls and windows.
  • In Aisle 26 are prefabricated windows.
  • Why don't you just go to the ticket window and ask?
  • That would definitely fall within the price adjustment window.
    2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Undernourishment during this approximately 1, 000-day window can seriously check the growth and development of children and render them more likely to get sick and die than well-fed children.
    2015年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • Noun
    1. a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
    2. a transparent opening in a vehicle that allow vision out of the sides or back; usually is capable of being opened
    3. a transparent panel (as of an envelope) inserted in an otherwise opaque material
    4. an opening that resembles a window in appearance or function;
    "he could see them through a window in the trees"
    5. the time period that is considered best for starting or finishing something;
    "the expanded window will give us time to catch the thieves""they had a window of less than an hour when an attack would have succeeded"
    6. a pane in a window;
    "the ball shattered the window"
    7. an opening in the wall of a building (usually to admit light and air);
    "he stuck his head in the window"
    8. (computer science) a rectangular part of a computer screen that contains a display different from the rest of the screen
  • 体育: 弦高;
    医学: 窗:平面上有界限的洞;
    地质学: 构造窗;
    建筑: 窗;
    金融: 机会期;出纳部;窗口;
    铁道: 窗口;