  • vt.
  • turn的反义词之:其他释义
  • 以下这些动词均可表示"变成,成为" 的意思
  • 以下这些动词均含有"变化,改变" 的意思
  • 以下这些动词均有"转动,旋转" 的意思
  • do someone a good (或 bad) turn
    do something that is helpful (or unhelpful) for someone 做有利(或有损)某人的事
  • not know which way (或 where) to turn
    not know what to do; be completely at a loss 不知该怎么办;彻底地迷惘
  • not turn a hair
  • one good turn deserves another
    (proverb)if someone does you a favour, you should take the chance to repay it (谚)施惠者应受惠;好心应有好报
  • on the turn
    at a turning point; in a state of change 处于转折点;正在转变
  • speak (或 talk) out of turn
    speak in a tactless or foolish way 冒失或傻乎乎地说
  • take turns (或 take it in turns)
    (of two or more people) do something alternately or in succession 轮流,依次
  • turn and turn about
    (chiefly Brit.)one after another; in succession (主英)轮流地;依次
  • turn one's back on
  • turn the (或 a) corner
    pass round a corner into another street 转过拐角到另一条街 pass the critical point and start to improve 渡过危机,情况好转
  • turn one's hand to something
  • turn one's head
  • turn heads
  • turn an honest penny
  • You feel the same emotions – it is just as raw, just as fresh… You can't turn off that stream of memories, no matter how hard you try.
  • What could have been considered the beginning of a descent is now a potential turning point—the turning point you are most equipped to take full advantage of.
  • It is likely to be a critical turning point in one's life.
  • If you're training for a marathon, you wouldn't expect to turn up and just be able to run it.
  • Barbara Hagerty looks at some of the features of people who turn midlife into a rebirth.
  • The boat, traveling between Nicaragua’s Big Corn Island and LittleCorn Island turned over Saturday near the larger island.
  • And when looking at angry humans, they tended to turn away their gaze.
  • A tour boat turned o v e r o f f t h e c o a s t o f Nicaragua, killing at least 13 people and leaving more passengers missing, official said.
  • This danger can be avoided, according to computer science professor Stuart Russell, if we figure out how to turn human values into a programmable code.
  • I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to another human being, one can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you, the doer of the good deed.
  • Examine your lifeSoupios, along with his co-author Panos Mourdoukoutas, developed their 10 golden rules by turning to the men behind that philosophy—Aristotle, Socrates, Epictetus and Pythagoras, among others.
  • But perhaps they don't have to turn themselves into private investigators or Congressional subcommittees.
  • When turning work into a game, it is necessary to understand what makes games interesting.
  • The platforms that are most effective turn employees' ordinary job tasks into part of a rich adventure narrative.
  • Increasingly, companies are tapping into these desires directly through what has come to be known as gamification: essentially, turning work into a game.
  • For them, the right kind of gamification might be turning their sales pitches into a competition with other team members, complete with a digital leaderboard showing who is winning at all times.
  • Cracker Jacks has been gamifying its snack food by putting a small prize inside for more than 100 years, he adds, and the turn-ofthe- century steel magnate ( ' , 巨头) Charles Schwab is said to have often come into his factory and written the number of tons of steel produced on the past shift on the factory floor, thus motivating the next shift of workers to beat the previous one.
  • But as it turns out, waiters see only a tiny bump in tips when they do an exceptional job compared to a passable one.
  • In turn, we get the needed services.
  • When good students turn in an essay, they dream of their instructor returning it to them in exactly the same condition, save for a single word added in the margin of the final page: Flawless.
  • They are deprived of chances to turn over a new leaf.
  • Bad school conditions make it all the more important to turn learning into a joyful experience.
  • About the same time as AlphaGo's triumph, microsoft's 'chatbot' took a bad turn.
    2018年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • All I have to do is turn on the TV.
    2016年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • Children of educated and upper-middle-class parents turn out to be far more curious, even at early ages, than children of working class and lower class families.
    2017年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • Digital learning systems now charge students for access codes needed to complete coursework, take quizzes, and turn in homework.
    2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • I really want to lose some of these belly fat and turn it into muscle, but I'm not sure which of the gym equipment would best help.
    2018年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • It's pointless unless there is a repeatable process in place to turn inspiration into financial performance.
    2016年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Late November and December saw early snow and bone-chilling temperatures in much of the country, part of a year when, for the first time in two decades, record-cold days will likely turn out to have outnumbered record-warm ones.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A
  • More productive farmers meant there was a surplus that could feed cities; in turn, that created a pool of labour for factories.
    2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • Sarina Harper, a 19-year-old student at virginia Tech, was faced with a tough dilemma when she first started college in 2015—pay rent or pay to turn in her chemistry homework.
    2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • The New York State parks system wants to turn off the falls on the American side some time in the next two to three years to replace two 115-year-old stone bridges that allow pedestrians, park vehicles and utilities access to Goat Island.
  • They engage college undergraduates to teach computer science to high school students, who in turn instruct middle school students on the topic.
    2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • They may not happen as quickly as you'd like them to, and they may turn out to be completely different from the special things you imagined at the beginnings but they will happen.
    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • This turn of events is fueled primarily by the dramatic drop in the share of young Americans who are choosing to settle down romantically before age 35.
    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • This turn of events is fueled primarily by the dramatic drop in the share of young Americans who are choosing to settle down romantically before age.
    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • This, in turn, has a major effect on their diet, leading scientists to speculate that the ability to learn population-specific hunting methods could be driving the animals' genetic development.
    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A
  • Young adults with a college degree have fared much better in the labor market than their less-educated counterparts, which has in turn made it easier to establish their own households.
    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • At a time when young beauty shoppers are often turning to Sephora or Ulta instead of department store beauty counters, Macy's hopes Bluemercury will help strengthen its position in the category.
  • We have everything to gain by encouraging them to explore the world beyond their immediate experience and to prepare themselves for their turn at shaping that world.
  • Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two.
  • They seem to be turning inward—generally in a pro-social manner, certainly with positive benefits for intimate relationships, but too often at the expense of a connection with the present and future world beyond, including the society they will one day inherit.
  • Teenagers of today often turn to their parents for advice on such important matters as career choice.
  • Some are turning to the Internet, which is cheaper and offers concrete measurements like click-through rates— especially important at a time when marketing budgets are tight.
  • Protecting the union demand sacrifices those students, in effect turning a blind eye to the injustice in the education system.
  • It turns out today's teenagers aren't so scary after all.
  • It turned out that Watson and Venter shared fewer variations in their genetic sequences than they each shared with Kim.
  • It might turn out to be a prosumer.
  • And early identification, support and treatment for mental health issues, he says, are the best ways to keep them from turning into full-blown disorders.
  • We can’t expect kids to turn off that admiration when the same person is selling sugar.
  • If children are turning to athletes as role models, it’s in their best interest if their idols are consistent.
  • We get distracted before we can turn down the heating.
  • No matter how hard you try, you can't turn something that large on a dime ( ' , 10 美分硬币 ),or even a few thousand dimes.
  • "This study shows the importance of so-called non-cognitive' or soft skills in contributing to children's positive peer relationships, which, in turn, contribute to their academic success,"said Kenneth Dodge, director of the Duke Center for Child and Fami
    2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • A global campaign has been launched to turn a huge tract of Antarctic seas into ocean sanctuaries, protecting wildlife and banning not just krill fishing, but all fishing.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • And although anxious parents may not welcome the notion, educators could turn adolescent recklessness to academic ends.
    2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • I still think that your idea is great and that you would turn it into a phenomenal success.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • In turn, feeling close to objects can alleviate loneliness.
    2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A
  • It involved skiing with his legs apart for better balance and sitting back on the skis when he came to a turn.
    2019年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • It may not have been ladylike to depict a giant spider devouring a hummingbird, but when Merian did it at the turn of the 18th century, surprisingly, nobody objected.
    2018年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • No matter how hard you try, you can't turn something that large on a dime, or even a few thousand dimes.
    2015年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • Our attitudes allow us to turn mistakes into opportunities, and loss into the chance for new beginnings.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • Recently though, I turn my photography hobby into a small business.
    2019年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • She suggests downloading the Instant or Moment apps to see how many times you turn on your phone each day.
    2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • The liquid is maintained above its melting point until steam is required, at which point the liquid is allowed to turn back into a solid, releasing its stored energy.
    2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • Then when the person doesn't turn out to be who they thought he or she was, they start thinking "Maybe I can change him or her".
    2015年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • They all wanted to turn around and go home! You know, back to teabags and fish and chips.
    2016年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • When heated, these materials turn from a solid into a liquid, absorbing energy as they change phase.
    2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • While the candle is being lit, a principle is recited; then each person present takes a turn to speak about the importance that principle has to himself or herself.
    2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • Noun
    1. a circular segment of a curve;
    "a bend in the road""a crook in the path"
    2. the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course;
    "he took a turn to the right"
    3. the activity of doing something in an agreed succession;
    "it is my turn""it is still my play"
    4. an unforeseen development;
    "events suddenly took an awkward turn"
    5. a movement in a new direction;
    "the turning of the wind"
    6. turning away or in the opposite direction;
    "he made an abrupt turn away from her"
    7. turning or twisting around (in place);
    "with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room"
    8. a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else);
    "it's my go""a spell of work"
    9. (sports) a period of play during which one team is on the offensive
    10. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program;
    "he did his act three times every evening""she had a catchy little routine""it was one of the best numbers he ever did"
    11. a favor for someone;
    "he did me a good turn"
    12. taking a short walk out and back;
    "we took a turn in the park"
  • Verb
    1. change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense;
    "Turn towards me""The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face""She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs"
    2. undergo a change or development;
    "The water turned into ice""Her former friend became her worst enemy""He turned traitor"
    3. undergo a transformation or a change of position or action;
    "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism""The people turned against the President when he stole the election"
    4. cause to move around or rotate;
    "turn a key""turn your palm this way"
    5. pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become;
    "The weather turned nasty""She grew angry"
    6. to send or let go;
    "They turned away the crowd at the gate of the governor's mansion"
    7. pass to the other side of;
    "turn the corner""move around the obstacle"
    8. move around an axis or a center;
    "The wheels are turning"
    9. cause to move around a center so as to show another side of;
    "turn a page of a book"
    10. change to the contrary;
    "The trend was reversed""the tides turned against him""public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern"
    11. to break and turn over earth especially with a plow;
    "Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week""turn the earth in the Spring"
    12. change color;
    "In Vermont, the leaves turn early"
    13. cause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristics;
    "The princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him""The alchemists tried to turn lead into gold"
    14. let (something) fall or spill a container;
    "turn the flour onto a plate"
    15. twist suddenly so as to sprain;
    "wrench one's ankle""The wrestler twisted his shoulder""the hikers sprained their ankles when they fell""I turned my ankle and couldn't walk for several days"
    16. shape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel;
    "turn the legs of the table""turn the clay on the wheel"
    17. go sour or spoil;
    "The milk has soured""The wine worked""The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"
    18. accomplish by rotating;
    "turn a somersault""turn cartwheels"
    19. get by buying and selling;
    "the company turned a good profit after a year"
    20. cause to move along an axis or into a new direction;
    "turn your face to the wall""turn the car around""turn your dance partner around"
    21. channel one's attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or away from something;
    "The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction""people turn to mysticism at the turn of a millenium"
    22. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form;
    "bend the rod""twist the dough into a braid""the strong man could turn an iron bar"
    23. alter the functioning or setting of;
    "turn the dial to 10""turn the heat down"
    24. direct at someone;
    "She turned a smile on me""They turned their flashlights on the car"
    25. have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to;
    "She called on her Representative to help her""She turned to her relatives for help"
    26. become officially one year older;
    "She is turning 50 this year"
  • 体育: 轮到;转;
    法律: 转手;改变;
    电力: 关断阀: turn-off valve;关断臂: turn-off arm;
    电工: 匝;
    金融: 兑换;流通;证券交易差价;