  • VERB
    If a vehicle trundles somewhere, it moves there slowly, often with difficulty or an irregular movement.
    The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley… 卡车沿着赞比西山谷的绝壁缓缓行进。 A few horse-drawn carts still trundle through the dilapidated mining villages… 几架马车仍然在破落的矿村中曲折行进。
  • VERB
    If you trundle something somewhere, especially a small, heavy object with wheels, you move or roll it along slowly.
    The old man lifted the barrow and trundled it away... 那个老头提起手推车,慢慢推走了。 They trundled his mowers outside and dumped them. 他们把他的除草机全都推到外面丢掉了。
  • VERB
    If you say that someone is trundling somewhere, you mean that they are walking slowly, often in a tired way or with heavy steps.
    Girls trundle in carrying heavy book bags. 背着沉重书包的女孩们慢慢走进来。