  • armed to the teeth
    formidably armed 武装到牙齿,全副武装
  • fight tooth and nail
    fight very fiercely 凶猛地打斗
  • get (或 sink) one's teeth into
    work energetically and productively on (a task) 积极而富成效地工作;专注于
  • in the teeth of
    directly against (the wind) 逆(风)
  • set someone's teeth on edge
  • get (one's) teeth into 或 sink (one's) teeth into &I{【俚语】}
    To be actively involved in; get a firm grasp of. 积极地参与其中;牢牢地抓住
  • show (one's) teeth 或 bare (one's) teeth
    To express a readiness to fight; threaten defiantly. 示威:表现准备战斗;凶狠地进行威胁
  • to the teeth
    Lacking nothing; completely 全副地:不缺少任何东西的;全部地
  • A pilot from virginia removed his son's loose tooth using a helicopter.
    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • rick Rahim, from virginia, flies helicopters for a living, and when his seven-year-old son's tooth became loose he did not waste time by tying it to a door handle.
    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • Noun
    1. hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense
    2. something resembling the tooth of an animal
    3. toothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shell
    4. a means of enforcement;
    "the treaty had no teeth in it"
    5. one of a number of uniform projections on a gear
  • 人体组织学: 牙;
    动物学: [牙]齿;
    医学: 牙:颌部用于咀嚼食物的一副坚硬小结构,亦指其他动、植物中的类似结构。人类的牙齿有两副,即乳牙(暂牙)和恒牙。每颗牙齿都有两个主要部分,即牙冠和牙根,进一步还可分为冠、颈、根、尖四部分。除髓腔外,牙的质地坚硬,主要是由牙质构成。牙冠部披覆一层极为坚硬的无机物釉质,主要在龈线以上部分,埋入颌骨的牙根部则覆有一薄层牙骨质,为真骨组织。髓腔可分为两部分,主要在牙冠内的髓室和通过牙根终于根尖狭孔的髓管(牙根管)。每个牙根至少有一个髓管,即使多根牙也是这样。髓腔中含有牙髓,为由结缔组织、血管和神经构成的软组织。出牙一般是按以下规律发生的:乳牙——第一切牙,6~8月;第二切牙,7~9月;第一磨牙,12~14月;犬牙,16~18月;第二磨牙,20~24月。恒牙——第一磨牙,6~7岁;第一切牙,6~8岁;第二切牙,7~9岁;前磨牙(双尖牙),10~12岁;犬牙,9~12岁;第二磨牙,11~13岁;第三磨牙:17~21岁。参见dentition; 上颌前后牙剖面示意图:左前牙:A 根尖,AF 根尖孔,SC 附加管,C 牙骨质,PM 牙周膜,PC 髓管,G 牙龈,GC 龈沟,GM 龈缘,PCH 髓腔,D 牙本质,E 牙釉质,CR 牙冠,R 牙根;右后牙:A 根尖,PC 髓管,PCH 髓腔,PH 髓角,F 牙沟,CU 牙尖,CEJ 牙骨质-釉质结合点,BI 牙根分叉;
    电工: 齿;
    药学: 齿,嘴里咀嚼食物的骨性器官。;