  • tone something down
    make something less harsh in sound or colour 使声音(或颜色)柔和
  • tone down
    To make less vivid, harsh, or violent; moderate. 使…柔和:使变得不那么鲜明、生硬或强烈;调和
  • tone up
    To make or become brighter or more vigorous. 使增强:使或变得更加明快或更有力量
  • In the past, falling oil prices have given a boost to the world economy, but recent forecasts for global growth have been toned down, even as oil prices sink lower and lower.
  • Sasaki re-ran the experiment while presenting the sleeping participants with a mix of regularly timed of the same tone and irregular beeps of a different tone during the night.
    2017年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • One prevalent quality we have found in teens' statements about themselves, their friends and their families is a strikingly positive emotional tone.
  • Behind the differences in sex, skin tones and mother tongues, there are common attitudes, expectations and ambitions which risk creating a set of clones among the business leaders of the future.
  • But Delia was careful not to adopt the defensive tone.
  • Because it's such a pity if you start off on a bright tone on a story and suddenly realize you are talking about some people having been killed in a road crash.
    2015年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Noun
    1. the quality of a person's voice;
    "he began in a conversational tone""he spoke in a nervous tone of voice"
    2. (linguistics) a pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages;
    "the Beijing dialect uses four tones"
    3. (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound);
    "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely""the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet"
    4. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people;
    "the feel of the city excited him""a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting""it had the smell of treason"
    5. a quality of a given color that differs slightly from a primary color;
    "after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted"
    6. a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound;
    "the singer held the note too long"
    7. a steady sound without overtones;
    "they tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies"
    8. the elastic tension of living muscles, arteries, etc. that facilitate response to stimuli;
    "the doctor tested my tonicity"
    9. a musical interval of two semitones
    10. the quality of something (an act or a piece of writing) that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author;
    "the general tone of articles appearing in the newspapers is that the government should withdraw""from the tone of her behavior I gathered that I had outstayed my welcome"
  • Verb
    1. utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically;
    "The students chanted the same slogan over and over again"
    2. of one's speech, varying the pitch
    3. change the color or tone of;
    "tone a negative"
    4. change to a color image;
    "tone a photographic image"
    5. give a healthy elasticity to;
    "Let's tone our muscles"
  • 医学: 紧张性:正常力度和张力,在肌肉即指其对被动拉长或牵拉的抗拒性;音,音调;色彩处理,调色:以化学方法改变银染色或使之持久化,一般皆以重金属处置;
    测绘: 色调;色与色之间的整体关系构成的颜色阶调。;
    通信: 单音;由具有恒定频率的周期波形组成的声音。;
    金融: 市况;行情;