
[taɪ] [ taɪ]
  • 复数:ties;
  • 第三人称单数:ties;
  • 过去式:tied;
  • 过去分词:tied;
  • 现在分词:tying;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词都有"扎牢,捆,绑" 的意思
    • tie to be tied
    • tie someone hand and foot
      见 hand
    • tie someone (up) in knots
    • tie the knot
    • tie one on
      (N. Amer. informal)get drunk (北美, 非正式)喝醉
    • tie someone down
      restrict someone to a particular situation or place 限制,约束;束缚;牵制
    • tie something in (或 tie in)
      cause something to fit or harmonize with something else (or fit or harmonize with something) (使)配合得当,(使)协调;(与…)相一致
    • tie someone up
      bind someone's legs and arms together or bind someone to something so that they cannot move or escape 捆绑;捆牢
    • tie something up
      bind or fasten something securely with rope, cord, or similar 系紧;拴住;包扎 bring something to a satisfactory conclusion; settle 完成;解决
    • tie in
      To bring into or have a close or effective relation; connect or coordinate 使结合成一整体:使具有密切或有效的关系;联系或协调
    • tie into
      To attack energetically. 精力充沛地攻击
    • tie up
      &I{Nautical} To secure or be secured to a shore or pier; dock. &I{【航海】} 束紧,缚牢:固定或被固定到海岸或码头上;停泊 To impede the progress of; block 阻碍…的进展;阻塞 To keep occupied; engage 使保持忙碌;从事 To place (funds) so as to make inaccessible for other uses 不动用(资金):把(资金)用于某方面以使之无法挪作它用
    • tie one on&I{【俚语】}
      To become intoxicated; go on a drinking spree. 喝醉:变得醉的;参加畅饮狂欢
    • tie the knot&I{【俚语】}
      To get married. 结婚 To perform a marriage ceremony. 举行结婚仪式
    • Meals are the foundation of the family, says Carole Counihan, a professor at Millersville University in Pennsylvania, so there was a very important interconnection between eating together and strengthening family ties.
    • Once across, the ropes were tied down and wooden bridges were hung from them.
    • He tied a metal key and a strip of silk to the kite line.
    • In those where ties to family and community are strong, lifelong marriages can be promoted by practices such as the cultural prohibition of divorce and arranged marriages that are seen as a contract between two families, not just two individuals.
    • We can infer from the passage that strong family and community ties can contribute to stable marriages
    • contribute to enduring family ties
    • And scores of online discussion boards have popped up on which people discuss negative experiences tied to too much time on the Web.
    • He is tied up in family matters.
    • Independence came in tying, wrapping, storing, harmonizing, and rationalizing that wardrobe.
    • For the next three months, Michelle Kremer and 11 other Obama supporters, ages 19 to 34, will blog about life across mainstream America, with one twist: by tying all of their ideas and experiences to the new president and his administration, the bloggers will try to start a conversation about what it means to be young and politically active in America today.
    • After reading a book on how to address for success, he had purchased an expensive dark navy suit and golden tie.
    • Why did Larry purchase an expensive navy suit and golden tie
    • Whether we can develop social ties on the Internet.
    • Could you bring my suit and tie along?
    • Sure, it's the first performance of the State Symphony Orchestra in our city, so suit and tie is a must
    • Noun
      1. neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front;
      "he stood in front of the mirror tightening his necktie""he wore a vest and tie"
      2. a social or business relationship;
      "a valuable financial affiliation""he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team""many close associations with England"
      3. the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided;
      "the game ended in a draw""their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie"
      4. a horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating;
      "he nailed the rafters together with a tie beam"
      5. a fastener that serves to join or link;
      "the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction"
      6. equality of score in a contest
      7. (music) a slur over two notes of the same pitch; indicates that the note is to be sustained for their combined time value
      8. one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track;
      "the British call a railroad tie a sleeper"
      9. a cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied;
      "he needed a tie for the packages"
    • Verb
      1. fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord;
      "They tied their victim to the chair"
      2. finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.;
      "The teams drew a tie"
      3. limit or restrict to;
      "I am tied to UNIX""These big jets are tied to large airports"
      4. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces;
      "Can you connect the two loudspeakers?""Tie the ropes together""Link arms"
      5. form a knot or bow in;
      "tie a necktie"
      6. create social or emotional ties;
      "The grandparents want to bond with the child"
      7. perform a marriage ceremony;
      "The minister married us on Saturday""We were wed the following week""The couple got spliced on Hawaii"
      8. make by tying pieces together;
      "The fishermen tied their flies"
      9. unite musical notes by a tie
    • 体育: 成绩相等;得分相同;
      旅游: 打成平局;
      法律: 约束;
      铁道: 轨枕;"又称 :轨枕(cross tie,sleeper) ";