
[teɪp] [teɪp]
  • 复数:tapes;
  • 第三人称单数:tapes;
  • 过去式:taped;
  • 过去分词:taped;
  • 现在分词:taping;
  • 例句
    • have (或 get) someone/thing taped
      (Brit. informal)understand a person or thing fully (英,非正式)完全了解一个人(或东西)
    • on tape
      recorded on magnetic tape 录制在磁带上
    • Veiseh can even put a date on when those tapes started recording: 15 December 2000, when he met his first girlfriend at his best friend's 16th birthday party.
    • My memory is like a library of video tapes, walk-throughs of every day of my life from waking to sleeping, he explains.
    • Her time-lapse videos of the revivals look like someone playing a tape of the plant's death in reverse.
      2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • In Hong Kong, I've seen girls wrapping their whole body or both legs up with a special type of slimming tape which is supposed to help make them thinner.
      2019年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • Noun
      1. a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening;
      "he used a piece of tape for a belt""he wrapped a tape around the package"
      2. a recording made on magnetic tape;
      "the several recordings were combined on a master tape"
      3. the finishing line for a foot race;
      "he broke the tape in record time"
      4. measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths;
      "the carpenter should have used his tape measure"
      5. memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide; used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information;
      "he took along a dozen tapes to record the interview"
    • Verb
      1. fasten or attach with tape;
      "tape the shipping label to the box"
      2. record on videotape
      3. register electronically;
      "They recorded her singing"
    • 体育: 终点直道;终点线;白布带;脚带;绸带;绵线;弓上标尺;
      医学: 带:织物或其他弹性物质制就的狭长带;
      数学: 带;
      金融: 自动交易报价系统;行情自动显示器;