  • He repeatedly took an existing but half-formed idea-the mouse-driven computer, the digital music player, the smartphone, the tablet computer(平板电脑)-and showed the rest of the industry how to do it properly.
  • Doctors use tablet computers for their work in hospitals
  • At the recent unveiling of a tablet computer by Jeff Bezos of Amazon, whose company is doing the best job of following Apple's lead in combining hardware, software, content and services in an easy-to-use bundle, there were several attacks at Apple.
  • "You'll want an iPad just so you can wear this " is the slogan for one of the new lab coats designed with large pockets to accommodate tablet computers.
    2016年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A
  • The wireless age is expanding to include not just our phones, tablets, and laptops, but also our cars, homes, and even whole communities.
  • That is bad news for any firm that may hope that smartwatches can make up ground for maturing smartphone and tablet markets.
  • No average person wants to figure out whether their favorite calendar software works with their fridge or whether their washing machine and tablet get along.
  • For years, smartphones, televisions, tablets, laptops and desktops have made up a huge part of the market and driven innovation.
  • No average person wants to figure out whether their favorite calendar software works with their fridge or whether their washing machine and tablet get along.
    2016年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • Telepresence robots such as MantaroBot, Vgo, and giraff can be controlled through a computer, smartphone, or tablet, allowing family members or doctors to remotely monitor patients or Skype them, often via a screen where the robot's "face" would be.
    2018年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • That is bad news for any firm that may hope that smart watches can make up ground for maturing smartphone and tablet markets.
    2016年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • Noun
    1. a slab of stone or wood suitable for bearing an inscription
    2. a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge
    3. a small flat compressed cake of some substance;
    "a tablet of soap"
    4. a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
  • 医学: 片剂:一种固体剂型,重量、大小和形态不一,可以制模或压缩,所含药物成分可以是纯品,亦可稀释。参见pill;
    药学: 片剂;将药材提取物、药材提取物加药材细粉或药材细粉与适宜辅料混匀压制而成的圆片状或异形片状的制剂。;
    铁道: 路牌;