
[strɪp] [strɪp]
  • 复数:strips;
  • 第三人称单数:strips;
  • 过去式:stripped;
  • 过去分词:stripped;
  • 现在分词:stripping;
  • 例句
    • Think of a 3-year-old lost in the pleasures of finding out what he can and cannot sink in the bathtub, a 5-year- old beside herself with the thrill of putting together strings of nonsensical words with her best friends, or an 11-year-old completely absorbed in a fascinating comic strip.
    • He tied a metal key and a strip of silk to the kite line.
    • Think of a 3-year-old lost in the pleasures of finding out what he can and cannot sink in the bathtub, a 5-year-old beside herself with the thrill of putting together strings of nonsensical words with her best friends, or an 11-year-old completely absorbe
      2015年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • The theory is that smoking should be stripped of any appeal to discourage new generations from starting in the first place.
    • So, it is argued, stripping cartons of their branding will trigger no mass movement to quit.
    • Noun
      1. a relatively long narrow piece of something;
      "he felt a flat strip of muscle"
      2. artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material
      3. an airfield without normal airport facilities
      4. a sequence of drawings telling a story in a newspaper or comic book
      5. thin piece of wood or metal
      6. a form of erotic entertainment in which a dancer gradually undresses to music;
      "she did a strip right in front of everyone"
    • Verb
      1. take away possessions from someone;
      "The Nazis stripped the Jews of all their assets"
      2. get undressed;
      "please don't undress in front of everybody!""She strips in front of strangers every night for a living"
      3. remove the surface from;
      "strip wood"
      4. remove substances from by a percolating liquid;
      "leach the soil"
      5. lay bare;
      "denude a forest"
      6. steal goods; take as spoils;
      "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"
      7. remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely;
      "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters""The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm"
      8. strip the cured leaves from;
      "strip tobacco"
      9. remove the thread (of screws)
      10. remove a constituent from a liquid
      11. take off or remove;
      "strip a wall of its wallpaper"
      12. draw the last milk (of cows)
      13. remove (someone's or one's own) clothes;
      "The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim""She divested herself of her outdoor clothes""He disinvested himself of his garments"
    • 体育: 击剑场;条;球网标志带;片;卸下马鞍;跑道;跨步;
      冶金学: 分条;
      医学: 带,条:细、薄、狭长的材料片;挤通,通管:用手指沿管道(如血管)压挤其内容物;剥离,剥脱:通过皮下解剖并利用剥离器切除一段静脉及其可以切除的分枝;磨光:缩小牙齿近中远中的宽度,通常对牙冠节段造成空隙;用电化学方法除去牙冠内的金属,以增加内径;
      机械: 带料;和长度相比,宽度是相当小的一种板料。;
      林学: 板条;
      煤炭: 分带;在带区内沿走向划分的开采块段。;
      金融: 削皮策略;一种每天买进两个看跌期权和一个看涨期权的策略;解脱套购买卖期权;看跌三合期权;