
[ˈsteriətaɪp] [ˈsteriətaɪp]
  • 复数:stereotypes;
  • 第三人称单数:stereotypes;
  • 过去式:stereotyped;
  • 过去分词:stereotyped;
  • 现在分词:stereotyping;
  • 形容词:stereotypical; stereotyped;
  • 相关单词 stereotypedstereotypes
    • Does assisted living really mark a great improvement over a nursing home, or has the industry simply hired better interior designers? Are nursing homes as bad as people fear, or is that an out-moded stereotype ( ' , 固定 看法 )? Can doing one's homework really steer families to the best places? It is genuinely hard to know.
    • Far from the traditional image of a culture of aggressive masculinity (阳刚), the absence of girls gives boys the chance to develop without pressure to conform to a stereotype.
    • Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel they had to conform to a stereotype that men should be "masterful and in charge" in relationships
    • I've experienced roommate conflicts between interracial students that have both broken down stereotypes and reinforced stereotypes," said one Penn resident advisor (RA).
    • Are nursing homes as bad as people fear, or is that an out-moded stereotype?
      2016年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • The survey shows us that today's teens are affectionate, sensible and far happier than the angry and tortured souls that have been painted for us by stereotypes.
    • That statement comes not, as you might imagine, from a stereotypical tree-hugging, save-the-world greenie ( ' , 环保主义者), but from Gordon Brown, a politician with a reputation for rigour, thoroughness and above all, caution.
    • Contrary to some stereotypes, most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals ( ' , though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish ( ' , 拉帮结派的) environment of high school).
    • The university has poured resources into peer counseling to help students from inner-city schools adjust to the rigor (严格要求) and faster pace of a university classroom –and also to help minority students overcome the stereotype that they are less qualified.
    • To tackle the problem of graduation gap, the University of Wisconsin-Madison helps minority students get over the stereotype that that they are less qualified
    • We suspect they felt inspired and energised by his victory, so the stereotype threat wouldn't prove a distraction," says Friedman.
    • The traits that characterise him are very contradictory to the racial stereotypes that black people are aggressive and uneducated," says Ashby Plant of Florida State University.
    • We think it happens to help people preserve their beliefs, so they can still hold on to the previous stereotypes
    • The worst possible aspect of the Obama effect is that people could ignore his race altogether and continue to hold on to their old racial stereotypes.
    • That's a ridiculous stereotype.
    • Somehow the old male and female stereotypes no longer fit.
    • The old stereotypes of men's and women's work have been changing more quickly than ever before, except perhaps in my own marriage
    • The old stereotypes about men and women.
    • And if the sources don't give you an accurate depiction, your stereotype won't be accurate.
      2017年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • Stereotype may sound like a bad word, but there is nothing bad about it.
      2017年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • Noun
      1. a conventional or formulaic conception or image;
      "regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding"
    • Verb
      1. treat or classify according to a mental stereotype;
      "I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European"
    • 体育: 定型;常规;旧框框;