
[snæks] [snæks]
  • Nearly two-thirds of us grab fast food once a week, and we get almost 25% of our daily calories from snacks.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • PepsiCo is to spend billions of dollars to develop drinks and snacks and reformulate existing ones with lower sugar, salt and fat, as consumers demand healthier options and regulatory pressure intensifies amid an obesity epidemic.
    2018年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • She said PepsiCo's contribution was to produce healthier snacks that still tasted good.
    2018年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • Still, if late sleepers want to lose a few pounds, they can go to bed earlier than they usually do, thereby reducing their chances of taking snacks before bedtime.
    2017年12月六级真题(第二套)听力  Section B 