
[ˈsegweɪ] [ˈsɛɡˌwe, ˈseˌɡwe]
  • 第三人称单数:segues;
  • 过去式:segued;
  • 过去分词:segued;
  • 现在分词:segueing;
  • 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典释义
    • VERB
      If something such as a piece of music or conversation segues into another piece of music or conversation, it changes into it or is followed by it without a break.
      The piece segues into his solo with the strings. 曲终后紧接着就是他的弦乐独奏。 ...his film's attempt, in its latter sections, to segue into comedy. 他的电影在后面的部分试图向喜剧方向发展的尝试
    • Verb
      1. proceed without interruption; in music or talk;
      "He segued into another discourse"