  • vt. & vi.
  • screw的反义词之:其他释义
  • have one's head screwed on (the right way)
    (informal)have common sense (非正式)有见识;头脑清醒
  • have a screw loose
    (informal)be slightly eccentric or mentally disturbed (非正式)古怪;神经不正常
  • put the screws on
    (informal)exert strong psychological pressure on (someone) so as to intimidate them into doing something (非正式)给(某人)施加心理压力;强迫(某人)
  • a turn of the screw
    (informal)an additional degree of pressure or hardship added to a situation that is already extremely difficult to bear (非正式)困难情况下又添加的压力;雪上加霜
  • turn (或 tighten) the screw (或 screws)
    (informal)exert strong pressure on someone (非正式)施加压力
  • screw someone over
    (informal)treat someone unfairly; cheat or swindle someone (非正式)歧视;欺骗
  • screw someone up
    (informal)cause someone to be emotionally or mentally disturbed (非正式)使受刺激;使紧张
  • screw something up
    crush a piece of paper or fabric into a tight mass 把纸(或织物)揉成一团 (informal)cause something to fail or go wrong (非正式)使失败;使出问题 summon up one's courage 鼓起勇气
  • screw around
    &I{Slang} To act or fool around aimlessly or in a confused way and accomplish nothing. &I{【俚语】} 虚度:无目的地或以糊涂的方式行动或干傻事,什么也没有完成 &I{Vulgar} &I{Slang} To be sexually promiscuous. &I{【粗俗用语】} &I{【俚语】} 乱交
  • screw up
    To muster or summon up 召集或号召 &I{Slang} To make a mess of (an undertaking). &I{【俚语】} 把(事业)弄糟 &I{Slang} To injure; damage &I{【俚语】} 伤害;破坏 &I{Slang} To make neurotic or anxious. &I{【俚语】} 使心情烦乱或紧张
  • have a screw loose&I{【俚语】}
    To behave in an eccentric manner. 行为非常古怪 To be insane. 神经不正常
  • Noun
    1. someone who guards prisoners
    2. a simple machine of the inclined-plane type consisting of a spirally threaded cylindrical rod that engages with a similarly threaded hole
    3. a propeller with several angled blades that rotates to push against water or air
    4. a fastener with a tapered threaded shank and a slotted head
    5. slang terms for sexual intercourse
  • Verb
    1. have sexual intercourse with;
    "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm""Adam knew Eve""Were you ever intimate with this man?"
    2. turn like a screw
    3. cause to penetrate, as with a circular motion;
    "drive in screws or bolts"
    4. tighten or fasten by means of screwing motions;
    "Screw the bottle cap on"
    5. defeat someone in an expectation through trickery or deceit
  • 体育: 上体向左右倾斜;
    建筑: 木螺钉;
    物理学: 螺旋[旋转];[rotation];
    石油: 螺杆;