
[ræk] [ræk]
  • 复数:racks;
  • 第三人称单数:racks;
  • 过去式:racked;
  • 过去分词:racked;
  • 现在分词:racking;
  • 例句
    • rack out &I{【俚语】}
      To go to sleep or get some sleep. 去睡觉或睡会儿觉
    • rack up 【非正式用语】
      To accumulate or score 积累或得分
    • go to rack (或 wrack) and ruin
      gradually deteriorate in condition because of neglect; fall into disrepair. wreak 走向毁灭,弄得一团糟;陷入失修状态
    • off the rack
      North American term for off the peg (see peg) (北美)。 同 off the peg (见 peg)
    • rack (或 wrack) one's brains (或 brain)
      make a great effort to think of or remember something 冥思苦想,绞尽脑汁
    • rack something up
      accumulate or achieve something, typically a score or amount 积累;取得(某物,尤指得分,数量)
    • on the rack
      Under great stress. 处于重压下
    • Noun
      1. framework for holding objects
      2. rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or mutton
      3. the destruction or collapse of something;
      "wrack and ruin"
      4. an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims
      5. a support for displaying various articles;
      "the newspapers were arranged on a rack"
      6. a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately
    • Verb
      1. go at a rack;
      "the horses single-footed"
      2. stretch to the limits;
      "rack one's brains"
      3. put on a rack and pinion;
      "rack a camera"
      4. obtain by coercion or intimidation;
      "They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss""They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him"
      5. run before a gale
      6. fly in high wind
      7. draw off from the lees;
      "rack wine"
      8. torment emotionally or mentally
      9. work on a rack;
      "rack leather"
      10. seize together, as of parallel ropes of a tackle in order to prevent running through the block
      11. torture on the rack
    • 体育: 支架;夹子;意外好牌;花侧对步;破侧对步;
      机械: 机柜连接器;rack-and-panel connector 指使单元与其安装架之间互连的两个配对固定的连接器。;
      法律: 拉肢刑具;