
[pʊʃ] [pʊʃ]
  • 第三人称单数:pushes;
  • 过去式:pushed;
  • 过去分词:pushed;
  • 现在分词:pushing;
  • 例句
    • vt.
    • push的反义词之:其他释义
    • 以下这些动词都包含 "促进,推进" 的意思
    • 以下这些动词均有"推,推动" 的意思
    • push around 【非正式用语】
      To treat or threaten to treat roughly; intimidate. 粗暴对待,胁迫:粗暴地对待或威胁要粗暴地对待;恐吓,威胁
    • push off 【非正式用语】
      To set out; depart 出发,启程:离开;离去
    • push on
      To continue or proceed along one's way 继续前进:沿着某人的路继续或前进
    • at a push
      (Brit. informal)if absolutely necessary; only with a certain degree of difficulty (英,非正式)在紧急时刻,不得已时;稍微困难地
    • get (或 give someone) the push (或 shove)
      (Brit. informal)be dismissed (or dismiss someone) from a job (英,非正式)(被)解雇,(被)开除
    • push at (或 against) an open door
      have no difficulty in accomplishing a task 轻而易举地做到
    • push the boat out
    • push someone's buttons
    • pushing up the daisies
    • push one's luck
      (informal)take a risk on the assumption that one will continue to be successful or in favour (非正式)自以为会继续成功(或受宠)
    • when push comes to shove
      (informal)when one must commit oneself to an action or decision (非正式)在必须采取行动(或做出决定)时;在紧要关头;在迫不得已时
    • push ahead
      proceed with or continue a course of action or policy 继续进行(或推行)行动路线(或政策)
    • push along
      (Brit. informal)go away; depart (英, 非正式)离开,离去;起程
    • push someone around (或 about)
      (informal)treat someone roughly or inconsiderately (非正式)粗暴对待;把…差来谴去,摆布;欺侮;烦扰
    • New information learned pushes old information out.
    • Instead of just crowding in, old information is sometimes pushed out of the brain for new memories to form.
    • When the system thinks it's being jammed, it'll notify you via -94- push alert ( ' , 推送警报).
    • The traditional view of such moments is that they constitute a charming but irrelevant byproduct of youth— something to be pushed aside to make room for more important qualities, like perseverance ( ' , 坚持不懈 ), obligation, and practicality.
    • Building on a child's ability to feel joy, rather than pushing it aside, wouldn't be that hard.
    • I really want to push harder and progress further.
      2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
    • When the system thinks it's being jammed, it'll notify you via push alert.
      2016年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • The retail giant said the poor financial performance this year has pushed it to begin implementing $400 million in cost-cutting measures.
    • It's also pushing ahead in 2016 with an expansion of Bluemercury, the beauty chain it bought last year.
    • Historically, scientists have objected to sharing for many reasons: it is a lot of work; until recently, good databases did not exist; grant funders were not pushing for sharing; it has been difficult to agree on standards for formatting data; and there is no agreed way to assign credit for data.
    • Most agree that the solution is to push doctors to accept fixed payments to care for a particular illness or for a patient's needs over a year.
    • Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements, has been pushed for years.
    • Pushing the current world leaders to come to a consensus.
    • Evidence from Australia suggests plain packaging pushes society further along that road.
    • Companies are pushing it hard but make it almost overwhelming even to dip a toe in the water for the average consumer, because there are so many compatibility issues to think about.
    • That pushed flu from the third leading cause of death to the fifth.
    • If you try to push a boulder ( ' , 大圆石 ), it pushes you bock.
    • The recent trend toward early decision and early action among selective colleges and universities has pushed the traditional deadline of January up to Nov.
    • This nameless person pushed the human race over a historic threshold, for it was in that year that mankind became, for the first time in its history, a predominantly urban species.
    • And yet, the same motivation that can push people to exert more effort in a constructive way could also motivate people to be more likely to engage in unethical behaviors," says Maurice Schweitzer, an associate professor at Penn's Wharton School.
    • The school aggressively pushed mentoring (辅导) of minorities by other students and "partnering" with parents at a special pre-enrollment session.
    • Academic studies have found no evidence so far that older voters have used their power at the ballot box to push for policies that specifically benefit them, though if in future there are many more of them they might start doing so.
    • That's because the quest for a unified theory that would account for all the forces of nature has pushed current mathematics to its limits.
    • Einstein pushed mathematics almost to its limits
    • But less than a month before hand, inspectors found significant problems with the fire safety system and push the opening back again to 2013.
      2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • If you try to push a boulder, it pushes you back.
      2015年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • They worry that the adolescent peer group has the power to push its members into behavior that is foolish and even dangerous.
      2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • What has become obvious to me when it comes to the income gap is that there needs to be an opportunity for the people at the bottom to push them back up and push them into the middle class to give them hope in their lives.
      2018年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • Noun
      1. the act of applying force in order to move something away;
      "he gave the door a hard push""the pushing is good exercise"
      2. the force used in pushing;
      "the push of the water on the walls of the tank""the thrust of the jet engines"
      3. enterprising or ambitious drive;
      "Europeans often laugh at American energy"
      4. an electrical switch operated by pressing a button;
      "the elevator was operated by push buttons""the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk"
      5. an effort to advance;
      "the army made a push toward the sea"
    • Verb
      1. move with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
      2. press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action;
      "He pushed her to finish her doctorate"
      3. make publicity for; try to sell (a product);
      "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model""The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"
      4. strive and make an effort to reach a goal;
      "She tugged for years to make a decent living""We have to push a little to make the deadline!""She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
      5. press against forcefully without being able to move;
      "she pushed against the wall with all her strength"
      6. approach a certain age or speed;
      "She is pushing fifty"
      7. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;
      "The liberal party pushed for reforms""She is crusading for women's rights""The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"
      8. sell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs);
      "The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs"
      9. move strenuously and with effort;
      "The crowd pushed forward"
      10. make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby;
      "`Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman"
    • 体育: 右飞球;球直飞向右侧;
      机械: 推入式接触件;push-on contact 借助于轴向力达到连接而靠摩擦力限制分离的接触件。;推拉连接器;push-pull connector 具有推拉锁紧结构的连接器。;按钮开关;push-button switch 利用按钮推动传动机构,使动触点与静触点按通或断开并实现电路换接的开关。;
      通信: 推送;描述因特网内容提供者和因特网用户之间工作方式的术语。“推送”指因特网内容提供者定期向预订用户“提供”数据。;