
[pəʊk] [poʊk]
  • 第三人称单数:pokes;
  • 过去式:poked;
  • 过去分词:poked;
  • 现在分词:poking;
  • 例句
    • poke one's nose into
      (informal)take an intrusive interest in (非正式)管闲事
    • take a poke at someone
      (informal)hit or punch someone (非正式)打某人一拳
    • a pig in a poke
    • poke about/around
      look around a place, typically in search of something 四处寻找
    • poke fun at
      To ridicule in a mischievous manner; tease. 用恶作剧的方式来取笑;戏弄
    • Noun
      1. tall coarse perennial American herb having small white flowers followed by blackish-red berries on long drooping racemes; young fleshy stems are edible; berries and root are poisonous
      2. a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases
      3. a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow);
      "he warned me with a jab with his finger""he made a thrusting motion with his fist"
      4. (boxing) a blow with the fist;
      "I gave him a clout on his nose"
    • Verb
      1. poke or thrust abruptly;
      "he jabbed his finger into her ribs"
      2. search or inquire in a meddlesome way;
      "This guy is always nosing around the office"
      3. stir by poking;
      "poke the embers in the fireplace"
      4. hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument;
      "the salesman pounded the door knocker""a bible-thumping Southern Baptist"
      5. make a hole by poking
    • 法律: 戳伤;