
[ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ] [ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ]
  • 副词:promisingly;
  • 例句
    • The sharing economy has a promising future.
    • The research references studies of people's behavior with food and alcohol and results of alcohol restrictions, and then lists five regulations that the researchers think might be promising if applied to junk foods.
    • Better yet, how about what one Hunter College professor reportedly did recently for her final exam. She encouraged the class not to stress or even study, promising that, "It is going to be a piece of cake."
      2017年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • By promising better after-sales service.
    • By offering services to help expand the longevity of their products, they're promising quality and durability to consumers and receiving the reputational gains for being environmentally friendly.
      2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • In these groups, which came out of an Eastern European tradition of developing young talent, professors teach promising K-12 students advanced mathematics for several hours after school or on weekends.
      2017年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • Many social and cultural factors play roles in determining which promising students get on the path toward international math recognition.
      2017年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • Politicians are fond of promising rapid energy transitions.
      2015年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • The most promising strategy has become to harness one foe against the other.
      2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
    • Adjective
      1. showing possibility of achievement or excellence;
      "a promising young man"
      2. full or promise;
      "had a bright future in publishing""the scandal threatened an abrupt end to a promising political career"