
[pəˈləʊniəm] [pəˈloʊniəm]
  • n.
    We found that pitchblende contains at least two radioactive materials, one of which, accompanying bismuth, has been given the name polonium, while the other, paired with barium, has been called radium. 我们发现沥青铀矿物中至少含有两种放射性物质:与铋伴生的命名为钋,与钡伴生的命名为镭。 Before broaching the subject of this lecture, I should like to recall that the discoveries of radium and of polonium were made by Pierre Curie in collaboration with me. 在开始讨论这次演讲的话题之前,我还想回忆一下,镭和钋发现是皮埃尔·居里与我合作完成的。
  • Noun
    1. a radioactive metallic element that is similar to tellurium and bismuth; occurs in uranium ores but can be produced by bombarding bismuth with neutrons in a nuclear reactor
  • 体育: 钋;
    医学: 钋:类似铋的一种稀有金属,1898年在沥青铀矿中发现,原子序数84,原子量210,化学符号为Po,有放射性,但比镭弱;