  • in someone's pocket
    dependent on someone financially and therefore under their influence (因经济上依赖某人而)在某人掌握中,受某人的控制 very close to and closely involved with someone 与某人亲近的
  • out of pocket
    having lost money in a transaction 亏了本的
  • out-of-pocket
    [as modifier](of an expense or cost) paid for directly rather than being put on account or charged to some other person or organization (花费,成本)现款直接支付的
  • pay out of pocket
    (US)pay for something with one's own money, rather than from a particular fund or account (美)自理花费
  • put one's hand in one's pocket
    spend or provide one's own money 花自己的钱;自己挣钱
  • in (one's) pocket
    In one's power, influence, or possession 受制于人、由他人支配:处在某人的权力、影响或财产下
  • in pocket
    Having funds. 拥有资金 Having gained or retained funds of a specified amount 赚钱,捞回本:赚取了或保住了一定数额的资金
  • line (one's) pockets
    To make a profit, especially by illegitimate means. 饱入私囊:获取利润,尤指通过非法途径
  • Consumers have more money in their pockets when they're paying less at the pump.
  • But doesn't the extra money in the pockets of those countries' consumers mean an equal loss in oil-producing countries, cancelling out the gains? Not necessarily, says economic researcher Sara Johnson.
  • Radios, cell phones, bicycles, pocket calculators, and books have all been reported stolen.
  • Now you've seen this table of figures about the pocket money children in Britain get?
  • why do you think the rise in pocket money is often higher than inflation
  • Anyway, if you had children, how much pocket money would you give them?
  • Yes, by the way, do most children in your country get pocket money
  • What do we learn from the conversation about British children's pocket money?
  • Supposing the man had children, what would he expect them to do with their pocket money?
  • The pocket money British children get.
  • Enrollees would have to pay more money for many services out of their own pockets, and that would encourage them to think twice about whether an expensive or redundant test was worth it.
  • Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower the prices of everything from farm produce to new homes, and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets.
  • The latest iPhone 6s, for example, has a dual-core processor and fits nicely into your pocket.
    2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • Noun
    1. a small pouch inside a garment for carrying small articles
    2. an enclosed space;
    "the trapped miners found a pocket of air"
    3. a supply of money;
    "they dipped into the taxpayers' pockets"
    4. (bowling) the space between the headpin and the pins next bnehind it on the right or left;
    "the ball hit the pocket and gave him a perfect strike"
    5. a hollow concave shape made by removing something
    6. a local region of low pressure or descending air that causes a plane to lose height suddenly
    7. a small isolated group of people;
    "they were concentrated in pockets inside the city""the battle was won except for cleaning up pockets of resistance"
    8. (anatomy) saclike structure in any of various animals (as a marsupial or gopher or pelican)
    9. an opening at the corner or on the side of a billiard table into which billiard balls are struck
  • Verb
    1. put in one's pocket;
    "He pocketed the change"
    2. take unlawfully
  • 体育: 岩石上的凹坑;
    医学: 袋,囊:袋状的空隙或腔,如龈沟异常伸展而成的牙周袋;