  • pitch的反义词之:
  • 以下这些动词均有"抛,投,掷" 的意思
  • pitch in 【非正式用语】
    To set to work vigorously. 使劲干,投入:精力充沛地投入工作 To join forces with others; help or cooperate. 协力,做贡献:配合他人;帮助或合作
  • pitch into 【非正式用语】
    To attack verbally or physically; assault. 猛烈攻击:口头或武力攻击;攻击
  • pitch on 或 pitch upon 【非正式用语】
    To succeed in choosing or achieving, usually quickly 选出,决定,选定:成功且常是迅速地选定或实现
  • make a pitch
    make a bid to obtain a contract or other business 投标
  • pitch someone/thing against
    (informal)pit someone or something against (非正式)使争斗,使竞争
  • pitch in
    (informal)vigorously join in to help with a task or activity (非正式)起劲地投入(任务,活动)
  • pitch into
    (informal)vigorously tackle or begin to deal with (非正式)(起劲地)干工作,着手处理
  • pitch up
    (informal)turn up; arrive (非正式)出现;到达
  • pitch something up (或 pitch up)
    (Cricket)bowl a ball so that it bounces near the batsman (板球)投上旋球
  • For them, the right kind of gamification might be turning their sales pitches into a competition with other team members, complete with a digital leaderboard showing who is winning at all times.
  • Noun
    1. the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration
    2. (baseball) the throwing of a baseball by a pitcher to a batter
    3. a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk);
    "he was employed to see that his paper's news pitches were not trespassed upon by rival vendors"
    4. promotion by means of an argument and demonstration
    5. degree of deviation from a horizontal plane;
    "the roof had a steep pitch"
    6. any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue
    7. a high approach shot in golf
    8. an all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump
    9. abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance);
    "the pitching and tossing was quite exciting"
    10. the action or manner of throwing something;
    "his pitch fell short and his hat landed on the floor"
  • Verb
    1. throw or toss with a light motion;
    "flip me the beachball""toss me newspaper"
    2. move abruptly;
    "The ship suddenly lurched to the left"
    3. fall or plunge forward;
    "She pitched over the railing of the balcony"
    4. set to a certain pitch;
    "He pitched his voice very low"
    5. sell or offer for sale from place to place
    6. be at an angle;
    "The terrain sloped down"
    7. heel over;
    "The tower is tilting""The ceiling is slanting"
    8. erect and fasten;
    "pitch a tent"
    9. throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball;
    "The pitcher delivered the ball"
    10. hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with a backspin
    11. lead (a card) and establish the trump suit
    12. set the level or character of;
    "She pitched her speech to the teenagers in the audience"
  • 体育: 场地;足球场;
    公路科技: 硬沥青;
    力学: 俯仰;
    医学: 沥青:从焦油和其他物质蒸馏后取得的黑色、有光泽带粘性的残渣;树脂,松脂;音高,音调:主要由频率决定的音质和音色;
    地质学: 侧伏;又称 :侧伏(rake);
    心理学: 音高;
    海洋科学: 纵摇;
    物理学: [投]掷角散射;pitch-angle scattering;
    生理学: 音调;
    石油: 纵摇;
    航海科技: 螺距;