
[peɪ] [peɪ]
  • 第三人称单数:pays;
  • 过去式:paid;
  • 过去分词:paid;
  • 现在分词:paying;
  • 例句
    • vt.
    • pay的反义词之:其他释义
    • 以下这些名词都可表示"工资,收入" 的意思
    • pay off
      To pay the full amount on (a debt). 偿清(债务):支付(债务)的全部数额 To effect profit 带来利益 To get revenge for or on; requite. 报复:为…或向…报复;报复 To pay the wages due to (an employee) upon discharge. 结算工资:由于要解雇(雇员)支付工资 &I{Informal} To bribe. 【非正式用语】 贿赂 &I{Nautical} To turn or cause to turn (a vessel) to leeward. &I{【航海】} 使(船首)转向下风:转向或使(船)转向下风
    • pay out
      To give (money) out; spend. 把(钱)花掉;花费 To let out (a line or rope) by slackening. 缓缓放松:通过放松使(绳或索)放出
    • pay up
      To give over the full monetary amount demanded. 付清全部款项:缴清所要求的全部资金数额
    • he who pays the piper calls the tune
      (proverb)the person who provides the money for something has the right to determine how it's spent (谚)谁出钱谁做主;谁承担费用谁有决定权
    • in the pay of
      employed by 受雇于
    • pay one's compliments
    • pay court to
    • pay dearly
      obtain something at a high cost or great effort 花大价钱(或努力)得到
    • pay one's dues
    • pay for itself
      (of an object or system) earn or save enough money to cover the cost of its purchase (物品,系统)赚(或节省)下足以支付购买费用的钱款
    • pay its (或 one's) way
      (of an enterprise or person) earn enough to cover its or one's costs (企业)赢利以支付开销;(人)挣钱以支付费用
    • pay one's last respects
      show respect towards a dead person by attending their funeral 向(死者)告别
    • pay one's respects
      make a polite visit to someone 拜访,拜望
    • pay through the nose
      (informal)pay much more than a fair price (非正式)付费过高
    • Where do the seeds of change come from? The Native American Indians have a saying: Pay attention to the whispers so you won't have to hear the screams.
    • Fantasy proneness could be considered a tendency to imagine and daydream, whereas absorption is the tendency to allow your mind to become absorbed in an activity – to pay complete attention to the sensations ( ' , 感受) and the experiences.
    • Some critics say it is a luxury and shouldn't be free to families able to pay.
    • I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to another human being, one can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you, the doer of the good deed.
    • Even if there is no concrete benefit paid in response to your good deed, at the very least, the doer of the good deed has the opportunity to enjoy a kind of spiritually enlightened moment.
    • And are there any rules or regulations that you’d like to change?Behind the cash register at a store in downtown San Francisco, Sam  Azar swiped his credit card to pay for a pack of cigarettes.
    • Waiters should be paid by employers instead of customers.
    • That's because he plans to ban tipping in favor of paying his servers an actual living wage.
    • Snow White is available for everyone to use, but the dwarfs are still under copyright, so Cornetti invented sound-alike characters ( ' , Grumpy Gus, Dopey Dan) to illustrate specific pay roll law principles.
    • Pay a little more upfront for your beer or burger.
    • Customers should pay more tips to help improve service.
    • Consumers have more money in their pockets when they're paying less at the pump.
    • But mostly, I hate tipping because I believe I would be in a better place if pay decisions regarding employees were simply left up to their employers, as is the custom in virtually every other industry.
    • Another training, this one for pay roll law, used a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs theme.
    • Agents and fashion houses who hire models with a BMI under 18 could pay $82,000 in fines and spend up to 6 months in jail.
    • We pay for these services through taxes.
    • We know we have to pay for what we get.
    • They are paid by the government.
    • These are private bills, but there are also public bills to be paid.
    • If we buy food, we have to pay for it; if a doctor treats us, we know there will be a bill to pay.
    • He says there are not enough buyers willing to pay more for the purple tea.
    • Unfortunately, many federal and state laws impose post-conviction restrictions on a shockingly large number of Americans, who are prevented from ever fully paying their debt to society.
    • My advice is that you not pay attention to the number of steps and ingredients, because they can be deceiving.
    • It does not pay much attention to business startups.
    • At the most cutting-edge retail stores—Victoria Beckham on Dover Street, for instance—you don't go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay.
    • As she neared the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was paying her dues, and that there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew.
    • And the fact that they have a personal stake in the outcome makes them really pay attention.
    • "Snow White" is available for everyone to use, but the "dwarfs" are still under copyright, so Cornetti invented sound-alike characters Grumpy Gus, Dopey Da to illustrate specific pay roll law principles.
      2016年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • Agents and fashion houses who hire models with a Bmi under 18 could pay $82,000 in fines and spend up to 6 months in jail.
      2016年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
    • And the fact that they have a personal stake in the outcome makes them really pay attention.
      2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
    • At the most cutting-edge retail stores —Victoria Beckham on Dover Street, for instance—you don't go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay.
      2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
    • But the pay isn't too bad.
      2017年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
    • Clearly, there are plenty of ways to keep track of your job search and making the effort to simplify your job search will pay off.
      2018年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • Congratulations! Yes, I believe for international students, you'll have to pay around 13,000 pounds a year.
      2019年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
    • Fantasy proneness could be considered a tendency to imagine and daydream,whereas absorption is the tendency to allow your mind to become absorbed in an activity – to pay complete attention to the sensations and the experiences.
      2017年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • How would you like to pay for it?
      2017年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
    • I'll pay with my credit card, thanks.
      2017年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
    • In Lagos, foreign oil workers can pay as much as $65,000 per year in rent for a modest apartment in a safe part of town.
      2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
    • Pay attention to the whispers so you won't have to hear the screams.
      2017年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • Sarina Harper, a 19-year-old student at virginia Tech, was faced with a tough dilemma when she first started college in 2015—pay rent or pay to turn in her chemistry homework.
      2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • So we all must pay our share for the services that makes our lives comfortable.
      2016年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • The law orders us to pay taxes.
      2016年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • You draw in class, and that helps you pay attention?
      2018年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
    • The most recent one took place last week in Washington, D.C.Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.
    • Students use forums to chat, play games, and solve problems together at no cost, or they can pay a few hundred dollars to take courses with trained teachers.
    • Setting the right carbon price will therefore efficiently align the costs paid by carbon users with the true social opportunity cost of using carbon.
    • Funding agencies note that data paid for with public money should be public information, and the scientific community is recognizing that data can now be shared digitally in ways that were not possible before.
    • We, of course, need to pay attention to youngsters who are filled with discontent and hostility, but we should not allow these extreme cases to distort our view of most young people.
    • The fundamental fix—reshaping how care is delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system—is likely to be achieved only through trial and error and incremental ( ' , 渐进的) gains.
    • That is far less likely to happen if Congress also adopts strong pay-go rules requiring that any increase in payments to providers be offset by new taxes or budget cuts.
    • Teaching is so important that it should be like other professions, with high pay and good working conditions but few job protections for bottom performers.
    • Teachers need to be much better paid to attract the best college graduates to the nation's worst schools.
    • Mr.Wilhelm said the excess of labels made it difficult for businesses and consumers to know which labels they should pay attention to.
    • He echoes Pay Drechsel's opinion on the issue.
    • Enrollees would have to pay more money for many services out of their own pockets, and that would encourage them to think twice about whether an expensive or redundant test was worth it.
    • Demand higher pay for teachers.
    • Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior.
    • But Pay Drechsel, an environmental scientist, argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks.
    • Yet it still pays to go to university.
    • Workplace norms pressure employees to overwork, deterring them from taking paid time off.
    • They hardly pay anything for the problems they have caused.
    • There's a lot for students to complain about: the repayment threshold for paying back loans will be frozen for five years, meaning that lower-paid graduates have to start repaying their loans; and maintenance grants have been replaced by loans, meaning that students from poorer backgrounds face higher debt than those with wealthier parents.
    • The overwhelming majority of employees attribute their stress mainly to low pay and an excessive workload.
    • The U.S. trails far behind every wealthy nation and many developing ones that have family-friendly work policies including paid parental leave, paid sick days and breast-feeding support, according to a 2007 study.
    • The U.S. is also the only advanced economy that does not guarantee workers paid vacation time, and it's one of only two countries in the world that does not offer guaranteed paid maternity leave.
    • If going to university doesn't work out, students pay very little--if any--of their tuition fees back: you only start repaying when you are earning £21,000 a year.
    • Full-time employees who do have paid vacation days only use half of them on average.
    • But even when employees are given paid time off, workplace norms and expectations that pressure them to overwork often prevent them from taking it.
    • She’s figured out that it will take her another three years to pay it off at 30 dollars a month.
    • Pay more attention to the effectiveness of their treatments.
    • Laura Hamilton, the author of a study on parents who pay for college, will argue in a forthcoming book that college administrations arc overly concerned with the social and athletic activities of their students.
    • In their evolution, humans have learned to pay attention to the most urgent issues instead of long-term concerns.
    • In Paying for the Party, Hamilton describes what she calls the party pathway, which eases many students through college, helped along by various clubs that send students into the party scene and a host of easier majors.
    • Evolution has programmed humans to pay most attention to issues that will have an immediate impact.
    • Education has not paid enough attention to major environmental issues.
    • But more recently, companies have begun to plan more affordable After being dogged by technical delays for years, Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Galactic's founder, had recently suggested that a SpaceShipTwo craft would carry its first paying customers as soon as February 2015.
    • 0 GPA cut-off, making it impossible for him to continue paying for school.
    • Yet virtually no providers of goods or services rely on this alone, butuse paid advertising instead.
    • A recent study graded more than 600 internet retailers on how easy it was for consumers to shop, buy, and pay.
      2019年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • And the value of what the student can produce is reflected in the wage employers are willing to pay the student to produce it.
      2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • City University of New York CUNY, Rutgers University, and Indiana University were out of reach as were mississippi State and the University of Alabama, where I would have to pay out-of-state fees.
      2018年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • For this scheme to work, the government must provide wage subsidies to compensate for lost pay due to the shorter hours.
      2016年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
    • If going to university doesn't work out, students pay very little—if any—of their tuition fees back: you only start repaying when you are earning £21,000 a year.
      2016年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
    • It literally is like something in a dream to remember what it's like to actually be able to go out and put in a day's work and receive a day's pay.
      2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • Joseph says his products are priced 10-20% above organic versions, but depending on the product chosen, compared to non-organic conventional yogurt, consumers could pay a premium of 30-50% or more for grass-fed.
      2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • Laura Hamilton, the author of a study on parents who pay for college, will argue in a forthcoming book that college administrations are overly concerned with the social and athletic activities of their students.
      2015年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • Or we can allow students both to choose their majors and pay for their education themselves.
      2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • Smart basketball players or skilled musicians need to pay close attention to the demands of high performance, to the challenges to be overcome.
      2019年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.
      2017年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • The actual question we debate is who should pay for people to go to college.
      2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • They're open to the tactical possibilities and the musical challenges precisely because they're freed, through skill, from the need to pay attention to the low-level details of how to play.
      2019年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • This may end up costing you opportunities for promotions or pay raises.
      2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • Unless you were prepared to pay, they were increasingly difficult to obtain for any but the most severely disabled.
      2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • You don't have to pay for your education.
      2016年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
    • Noun
      1. something that remunerates;
      "wages were paid by check""he wasted his pay on drink""they saved a quarter of all their earnings"
    • Verb
      1. give money, usually in exchange for goods or services;
      "I paid four dollars for this sandwich""Pay the waitress, please"
      2. convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow;
      "Don't pay him any mind""give the orders""Give him my best regards""pay attention"
      3. do or give something to somebody in return;
      "Does she pay you for the work you are doing?"
      4. bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action;
      "You'll pay for this!""She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly""You'll pay for this opinion later"
      5. cancel or discharge a debt;
      "pay up, please!"
      6. bring in;
      "interest-bearing accounts""How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
      7. render;
      "pay a visit""pay a call"
      8. be worth it;
      "It pays to go through the trouble"
      9. dedicate;
      "give thought to""give priority to""pay attention to"
      10. discharge or settle;
      "pay a debt""pay an obligation"
      11. make a compensation for;
      "a favor that cannot be paid back"
    • 法律: 报酬;给付;