  • 以下这些动词均包含 "注意" 的意思
  • at short (或 a moment's) notice
    with little warning or time for preparation 临时通知,提前很短时间通知
  • put someone on notice (或 serve notice)
    warn someone of something about or likely to occur, especially in a formal or threatening manner 正式警告(某人某事将会或可能发生);正告
  • take no notice
    pay no attention to someone or something 不注意
  • take notice
    pay attention; show signs of interest 注意;有兴趣
  • A young woman sought explanation from a brain scientist when she noticed her unusual memory.
  • Tom Moses, who works at a nearby national park, noticed a brown patch on the back of the car after the owner parked it to do some shopping.
  • How can I help you?The massive decline in sleep happened so slowly and quietly that few seemed to notice the trend.
  • In fact, we are much more likely to notice departures from norms than conformity to them.
  • I didn't notice it when I came in.
  • If you look at data about reading and math, you'll notice something interesting.
    2017年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • The massive decline in sleep happened so slowly and quietly that few seemed to notice the trend.
    2016年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • The most successful sharers—those whose data are downloaded and cited the most often—get noticed, and their work gets used.
  • Within just the past five years, I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal, anything goes mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century.
  • It did not escape notice that a lobbying firm set up by Lynton Crosby, David Cameron's election campaign director, had previously acted for Philip Morris International.
  • Previously, scientists noticed pollutants arriving in the Arctic with the wind.
  • The shift, little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it, suggests that doctors are starting to redefine their roles, from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare dollars are spent.
  • But then most of communication operates without being noticed.
  • During the 1980s he noticed an increasing number of long poems among the submissions, with some running to 70 or 80 pages.
  • We will not notice what is going on around us.
  • Around the same time, I noticed that those who part with $2285 a night to stay in a cliff-top room at the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur, California, pay partly for the privilege of not having a TV in their rooms; the future of travel, I'm reliably told, lies in "black-hole resorts," which charge high prices precisely because you can't get online in their rooms
  • By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that something big was happening.
  • I've noticed that you spend a lot of time tending your garden.
  • Tom, one of the things visitor notices about Harrogate is the large area of open park land right down into the middle of the town.
  • Provided you have not cheated by consulting an atlas, you will notice something rather surprising— the two lists will contain roughly the same number of states, but they will not be identical.
    2017年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • Skin may seem like a superficial human attribute, but it's the first thing we notice about anyone we meet.
    2019年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • Noun
    1. an announcement containing information about a future event;
    "you didn't give me enough notice"
    2. the act of noticing or paying attention;
    "he escaped the notice of the police"
    3. a request for payment;
    "the notification stated the grace period and the penalties for defaulting"
    4. advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement or contract;
    "we received a notice to vacate the premises""he gave notice two months before he moved"
    5. a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement;
    "a poster advertised the coming attractions"
    6. polite or favorable attention;
    "his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice"
    7. a short critical review;
    "the play received good notices"
  • Verb
    1. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of;
    "She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water""We found traces of lead in the paint"
    2. notice or perceive;
    "She noted that someone was following her""mark my words"
    3. make or write a comment on;
    "he commented the paper of his colleague"
    4. express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with;
    "He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway""She acknowledged his complement with a smile""it is important to acknowledge the work of others in one's own writing"
  • 法律: 通知;