  • Noun
    1. a connecting point at which several lines come together
    2. any thickened enlargement
    3. (physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system
    4. (astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane
    5. the source of lymph and lymphocytes
    6. any bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or part
    7. (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network
  • 体育: 结;
    力学: 节点;又称 :节点(nodal point);结点;
    化学: [波]节;
    化工: 节点;
    医学: 结,结节:一小团组织,形似肿块、打的结或凸起物;可为正常的或病理性的。另见nodule和nodus;
    天文学: 交点;交点线与天球相交的两个点。;
    建筑: 节点;
    数学: 结点;
    植物学: 节;
    物理学: 节点;电路中三条或三条以上支路的会聚点。;结点;一种奇点。;
    生物学: 节;
    电力: 节点;
    电子学: 节点;结点;
    电工: 波节;节点;又称 :节点(vertex );
    航天: 节点;
    通信: 节点;在网络拓扑中,网络任何支路的终端或网络中两个或更多支路的互连公共点。;
    铁道: 结点;