  • At Yorkshire Pudding, Hill says that his staff asks diners whether they would like to share their meals.
  • Small dishes, shared meals and "mixing it up" is not something commonly done in Britain, but Yorkshire Pudding will bring full dishes to the table and offer individual plates for each diner
  • Yorkshire Pudding is a restaurant which will bring full dishes to the table but offer plates to those diners who would like to share their meals.
  • These changing life styles are responsible for the increasing number of people who must rush meals or sometimes simply go without them
  • Burger King, the nation's second-largest fast food chain, for instance, will stop automatically including French fries and soda in its kids' meals starting this month, although they will still be available
  • Instead, the company said Tuesday, its employees will ask parents whether they prefer such options as milk or sliced apples before assembling the meals.
  • "A balanced breakfast is really helpful, but getting regular meals throughout the day is more important to leave blood sugar stable through the day, which helps control weight and hunger levels," says Elder.
    2019年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • "Meals are the foundation of the family," says Carole Counihan, a professor at millersville University in Pennsylvania, "so there was a very important interconnection between eating together and strengthening family ties."
    2016年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • "The evening meal carries the full burden that used to be spread over two meals," says Counihan.
    2016年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • "Women want to be able to do it all—volunteer for school parties or cook delicious meals—and so their answer to any request is often "Yes,I can."
    2017年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • According to a new study from Cornell University's Food and BrandLab, small nonfood rewards—like the toys in McDonald's Happy Meals—stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does.
    2016年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • Between meals, Careme wrote cook books that would be used in European kitchens for the next century.
    2018年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • But there's widespread disagreement over whether breakfast should keep its top spot in the hierarchy of meals.
    2019年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • If you eat three meals a day and behave like most Americans, you probably get at least a third of your daily calories outside the home.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • I'm talking about simple, easy, everyday meals.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • since then, packaged, pre-prepared meals have been what's for dinner.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Still, I find it strange that only a third of young people report preparing meals at home regularly.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • This comfortable cycle, in which the rhythms of the day helped shape the rhythms of the meals, gave rise to the custom of the large midday meal, eaten with the extended family.
    2016年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • But now a systematic review and analysis of studies by Canadian researchers found that not only does pasta not cause weight gain, but three meals a week can help people drop more than half a kilogram over four months.
    2019年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • Hale wasn't just a writer, she was also a fierce social advocate, and she was particularly obsessed with an ideal New England, which she associated with abundant Thanksgiving meals that she claimed had a deep moral influence.
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • The meals are not particularly appetizing, or even safe.
    2017年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • They also provided home and community services including meals; day centers and home helpers and other subsidized services.
    2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • To the relief of Instagrammers everywhere, it can even make meals more enjoyable.
    2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • When people were encouraged to take at least three photos while they ate lunch, they were more immersed in their meals than those who weren't told to take photos.
    2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C