
[lɪk] [lɪk]
  • 第三人称单数:licks;
  • 过去式:licked;
  • 过去分词:licked;
  • 现在分词:licking;
  • 例句
    • at a lick
      (informal)at a fast pace; with considerable speed (非正式)快速,迅速
    • a lick and a promise
      (informal)a hasty performance of a task, especially of cleaning something (非正式)草率从事(尤指清洗工作)
    • lick someone's boots ( 或粗俚
      be excessively obsequious towards someone, especially to gain favour from them 死命地拍马奉承
    • lick someone/thing into shape
    • lick one's lips (或chops)
      look forward to something with eager anticipation 急切地盼望;(对…)馋涎欲滴
    • lick one's wounds
      retire to recover one's strength or confidence after a defeat or humiliating experience (失败或受辱后)休养生息,养精蓄锐,恢复元气
    • lick and a promise
      A superficial effort made without care or enthusiasm. 草率的努力:草率地或毫无热情地做出的表面上的努力
    • lick into shape【非正式用语】
      To bring into satisfactory condition or appearance. 使成形,使象样:把某物整理好或使某物外形美观
    • lick (one's) chops
      To anticipate delightedly. 高兴地期待
    • lick (one's) wounds
      To recuperate after a defeat. 从挫折中恢复
    • Noun
      1. a salt deposit that animals regularly lick
      2. touching with the tongue;
      "the dog's laps were warm and wet"
      3. (boxing) a blow with the fist;
      "I gave him a clout on his nose"
    • Verb
      1. beat thoroughly in a competition or fight;
      "We licked the other team on Sunday!"
      2. pass the tongue over;
      "the dog licked her hand"
      3. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of;
      "did you solve the problem?""Work out your problems with the boss""this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out""did you get it?""Did you get my meaning?""He could not work the math problem"
      4. take up with the tongue;
      "The cat lapped up the milk""the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast"
    • 体育: 打败;