  • at (或 to) heel
    (of a dog) close to and slightly behind its owner (狗)紧跟主人
  • at (或 on) the heels of
    following closely after 紧跟…之后
  • bring someone to heel
    bring someone under control 使某人就范
  • cool (或 英
    be kept waiting 久等
  • down at heel
    (of a shoe) with the heel worn down (鞋)后跟磨损的
  • in the heel of the hunt
    (Irish)at the last minute; finally (爱尔兰)在最后一分钟,在最后时刻;最后,终于
  • kick up one's heels
    (chieflyN. Amer.)have a lively, enjoyable time (主北美)度过轻松愉快的时光
  • set (或 rock) someone back on their heels
    astonish or discomfit someone 使某人震惊(或狼狈)
  • take to one's heels
    run away 逃跑
  • turn on one's heel
    turn sharply round 急向后转
  • under the heel of
    dominated or controlled by 受…支配(或控制)
  • down at the heels
    Having one's shoe heels worn down. 磨损的:鞋跟穿掉了的 Shabby; rundown; poor. 褴褛的:衣衫褴褛的;邋遢的;贫穷的
  • lay by the heels
    To put in fetters or shackles; imprison. 逮捕:给某人戴上镣铐;把某人逮捕入狱
  • on the heels of 或 upon the heels of
    Directly behind. 跟随的:径直跟在后面的 Immediately following. 紧随其后的
  • Noun
    1. the bottom of a shoe or boot; the back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground
    2. the back part of the human foot
    3. someone who is morally reprehensible;
    "you dirty dog"
    4. one of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread
    5. the lower end of a ship's mast
    6. (golf) the part of the clubhead where it joins the shaft
    7. the piece of leather that fits the heel
  • Verb
    1. tilt to one side;
    "The balloon heeled over""the wind made the vessel heel""The ship listed to starboard"
    2. follow at the heels of a person
    3. perform with the heels;
    "heel that dance"
    4. strike with the heel of the club;
    "heel a golf ball"
    5. put a new heel on;
    "heel shoes"
  • 体育: 用掌根击打;用脚跟传球;严重倾斜;尾端;冰刀后跟;拍子跟;蹄;
    医学: 足跟:脚的最后部;
    石油: 横倾;