  • A bystander named John Roulstone wrote a poem about the event, then, at some point, Hale herself seems to have helped write it.
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • According to the New England historical Society, Hale wrote only part of the poem, but claimed authorship.
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • Hale wasn't just a writer, she was also a fierce social advocate, and she was particularly obsessed with an ideal New England, which she associated with abundant Thanksgiving meals that she claimed had a deep moral influence.
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • However, if a 1916 piece by her great-niece is to be trusted, Hale claimed for the rest of her life that "some other people pretended that someone else wrote the poem".
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • In 1863, after 17 years of advocacy including letters to five presidents, Hale got it.
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • Verb
    1. to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city";
    "He squeezed her for information"
    2. draw slowly or heavily;
    "haul stones""haul nets"
  • Adjective
    1. exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health;
    "hale and hearty""whole in mind and body""a whole person again"