
[ɡreɪd] [ɡreɪd]
  • 复数:grades;
  • 第三人称单数:grades;
  • 过去式:graded;
  • 过去分词:graded;
  • 现在分词:grading;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些名词均有"级,等级" 的意思
    • at grade
      (N. Amer.)on the same level (北美)在同一水平面上
    • make the grade
      (informal)succeed; reach the desired standard (非正式)成功;达到理想标准
    • Business schools grade their students in part on their performance in group projects.
    • The third grade marks a new phase of learning.
    • The third grade is critical to children's development.
    • A new Peabody study of the Tennessee Voluntary Pre-K program reports that pre-K works, but the gains are not sustained through the third grade.
    • Students who don’t get enough sleep have poor attendance and lower grades.
    • If you are a graduate student, you may depend on your adviser for many things, including help with improving grades, acquiring financial support, forming an examining committee and getting letters of recommendation.
    • We validated these expectations in a study in which two other psychologists and I monitored 373 students for two years during the transition to junior high school, when the work gets more difficult and the grading -102- more strict, to determine how their mind-sets might affect their math grades.
    • We then assessed their beliefs about other aspects of learning and looked to see what happened to their grades.
    • I designed an eight-session workshop for 91 students whose math grades were declining in their first year of junior high.
    • Confronted by a setback such as a disappointing test grade, students with a growth mind-set said they would study harder or try a different strategy.
    • Attributing a bad grade to their own lack of ability, those with a fixed mindset said that they would study less in the future, try never to take that subject again and consider cheating on future tests.
    • At the beginning of seventh grade, we assessed the students' mind-sets by asking them to agree or disagree with statements such as Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can't really change.
    • As predicted, the students with a growth mind-set felt that learning was a more important goal than getting good grades.
    • As a result, their math grades overtook those of the other students by the end of the first semester—and the gap between the two groups continued to widen during the two years we followed them.
    • This dream came true for me one afternoon in the ninth grade.
    • As he got in the habit of hardwork, his grades began to soar.
    • Where they will keep the same four core subject teachers for two years, before moving on to another for 11th and 12th grades.
    • I'm not hurting anyone", or "I really need this grade.
    • Cheaters at exam don't care about their education, all they care about is how to stealing a grade
    • If a class is graded on a curve, cheating hurts others' grades.
    • Attributing a bad grade to their own lack of ability, those with a fixed mind-set said that they would study less in the future, try never to take that subject again and consider cheating on future tests.
      2016年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • Confronted by a setback such as a disappointing test grade, students with a growth mindset said they would study harder or try a different strategy.
      2016年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • Graduation requirements specify the number of credits you must earn, the minimum grade point average you must achieve and the distribution of credits you must have from among different departments or fields of study.
      2016年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • She didn't hand in her first two assignments for chemistry, which started her out in the class with a failing grade.
      2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • She knew that her chemistry grade may take a dive as a result.
      2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • They have been huge supporters of the district's advanced mathematics program, which once began in the fourth grade but will now start in the sixth.
      2018年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • This dream came true for me one afternoon in the ninth grade.
      2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • The summer after 7th grade, students spend three weeks on a college campus studying advanced math for seven hours a day.
    • Most American parents say they are not concerned about their children's grades as long as they work hard.
    • If you look at a lot of low-income communities in the United States, there are programs that are serving them, but they're primarily centered around ‘Let's get these kids' grades up,' and not around ‘Let's get these kids access to the same kinds of opportunities as more-affluent kids,' said Daniel Zaharopol, the founder and executive director of the program.
    • Co-author Amy Zanne thinks that users probably range from climate-change researchers wanting to estimate how much carbon is stored in biomass, to foresters looking for information on different grades of timber.
    • The study found that strong teachers in the fourth through eighth grades raised the skills of their students in ways that would last for decades.
    • For that, we have a robust informal learning system that gives no grades, takes all comers, and is available even on holidays and weekends.
    • Your course load is set, your grades are set, your test scores are set.
    • Still, at the most selective schools, where thousands of candidates may submit identically high grades and test scores, a marginal item like the essay may serve as a tie-breaker between two equally qualified candidates
    • According to a recent survey, most public colleges and universities consider an applicant's grades highly important.
    • Some critics blame affirmative action – students admitted with lower test scores and grades from shaky high schools often struggle at elite schools.
    • Question: My ninth-grade art teacher doesn't give any grade above 94% because, she says, "There's always room for improvement.
    • Because of her "improvement" theory, I got a lower grade than I deserve
    • By capping her grades at 94 while most other teachers grade on a scale that tops out at 100, your teacher could jeopardize a student's chance of getting a scholarship or getting into a top college.
    • The ninth-grader thought that his art teacher should have given him a higher grade
    • A teacher deserves wide latitude in selecting the method of grading that best promotes learning in her classroom; that is, after all, the prime function of grades.
    • What's more, grades are not only an educational device but are also part of a screening system to help assign kids to their next class or program
    • Is her grading philosophy ethical (符合职业道德规范的)?
    • Answer: Your teacher's grading system may be unwise, but it is not unethical
    • One feature of a good grading system is that those measured by it generally regard it as fair and reasonable—not the case here
    • According to the answer, a teacher should have the freedom to select the method of grading to encourage learning.
    • In a study analyzing data on thousands of Ohio State freshmen who lived in dorms, he found that black freshmen who came to college with high standardized test scores earned better grades if they had a white roommate — even if the roommate's test scores were low.
    • The roommate's race had no effect on the grades of white students or low-scoring black students
    • For example, in research with 3920 college students, Doctor Snyder and his colleagues found that the level of hope among freshmen at the beginning of their first semester was a more accurate predictor of their college grades, than were their SAT scores or their grade point averages in high school, the two measures most commonly used to predict college performance.
    • Almost half of the sites didn't get a passing grade and only 18 percent got an A or B.
      2019年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • By fifth grade, children with early attention difficulties had lower grades and reading achievement scores than their peers.
      2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • Children not as liked by their first-grade peers had slightly lower grades in fifth grade, while those with higher social acceptance had higher grades.
      2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • In 2012, Kaggle challenged its community to build a program that could grade high school essays.
      2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • Lower reading achievement scores and grades in fifth grade contributed to reduced grades in middle school and thereby contributed to a 40% lower high school graduation rate.
      2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • Social acceptance by peers in early childhood also predicted grades in fifth grade.
      2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • The Washington Post reported on a recent study by Princeton economists, in which college graduates who applied to the most selective schools in the 12th grade were compared to those who applied to slightly less selective schools.
      2018年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • This paper is a large part of your cumulative grade, so make sure to follow the instructions.
      2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
    • Yet, she noted, many young people are especially unwilling to take risks at school—afraid that one low test score or poor grade could cost them a spot at a selective university.
      2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • Noun
      1. a body of students who are taught together;
      "early morning classes are always sleepy"
      2. a relative position or degree of value in a graded group;
      "lumber of the highest grade"
      3. the gradient of a slope or road or other surface;
      "the road had a steep grade"
      4. one-hundredth of a right angle
      5. a degree of ablaut
      6. a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance);
      "she made good marks in algebra""grade A milk""what was your score on your homework?"
      7. the height of the ground on which something stands;
      "the base of the tower was below grade"
      8. a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality;
      "a moderate degree of intelligence""a high level of care is required""it is all a matter of degree"
      9. a variety of cattle produced by crossbreeding with a superior breed
    • Verb
      1. assign a rank or rating to;
      "how would you rank these students?""The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"
      2. level to the right gradient
      3. assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation;
      "grade tests""score the SAT essays""mark homework"
      4. determine the grade of or assign a grade to
    • 体育: 等级;分类;坡度;
      动物学: 级;
      土木工程: 级;
      建筑: 室外地坪;
      昆虫学: 级;
      电工: 等级;
      铁道: 坡度;"又称 :坡度(slope,gradient) ";