  • 以下这些名词均包含 "愉快,快乐,高兴" 的意思
    enjoyment比pleasure, joy和delight的语气轻,但更着重行为或乐事的本身,而不是感情。
  • for fun
    (或 for the fun of it)in order to amuse oneself and not for any more serious purpose 为了好玩儿,闹着玩儿地
  • fun and games
    amusing and enjoyable activities 有趣的活动,开心的玩乐
  • someone's idea of fun
    used to emphasize one's dislike for an activity or to mock someone else's liking for it [用于表示不喜欢某事或嘲讽他人对某事的喜欢]
  • in fun
    not intended seriously; as a joke 不是当真的;开玩笑的
  • like fun
    (dated, chiefly N. Amer.)an ironic exclamation of contradiction or disbelief in response to a statement (旧,主北美,讽)决不会,哪里有这种事(表示反驳或不相信) (Brit. archaic)vigorously or quickly (英,古)有力地;很快地
  • make fun of
    tease, laugh at, or joke about (someone) in a mocking or unkind way 取笑,嘲弄(某人)
  • not much (或 a lot of) fun
    used to indicate that something strikes one as extremely unpleasant and depressing [用于表示对某事感到极为不快]
  • what fun!
    used to convey that an activity or situation sounds amusing or enjoyable 多么有趣!
  • for fun 或 in fun
    As a joke; playfully. 寻找乐趣:开玩笑的;滑稽可笑的
  • When it is made fun and enjoyable to kids.
  • To others, it was the opposite of fun.
  • The most successful gamification platforms transform daily work assignments into fun experiences.
  • Companies, marketers and teachers have long looked for fun ways to engage people's reward-seeking or competitive spirits.
  • Part of the fun of being a craftsman is meeting other craftsmen.
  • Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, cancelled a conference in Las Vegas at the last minute and rebooked it in San Francisco, which cost more but sounded less fun.
  • However, our idea is for it to be also fun and entertaining, something which traditional documentaries aren't so much.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • It says here Roger Whitehead is an amazing host to a night of fun performances.
    2018年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • The video camera that one single mother bought for a special occasion, for example, is not much fun now.
  • Just for fun, try it now.
  • Those who use self-defeating humor,making fun of themselves, of the enjoyment of others, tend to maintain that hostility toward themselves even when alone.
  • It's always fun to write about research that you can actually try out for yourself.
  • From now on, when someone asks you how your life is, try responding with words like "exciting" and "fun", instead of the culture norm that says "busy".
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
  • It is as if there is something fun and liberating about making someone else's choice.
    2018年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • None of that might be as fun as after-work socializing but, hey, I'll take it anyway.
    2019年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • You love the activity; it's great fun.
    2016年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • Noun
    1. activities that are enjoyable or amusing;
    "I do it for the fun of it""he is fun to have around"
    2. verbal wit (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously);
    "he became a figure of fun"
    3. violent and excited activity;
    "she asked for money and then the fun began""they began to fight like fun"
    4. a disposition to find (or make) causes for amusement;
    "her playfulness surprised me""he was fun to be with"
  • Adjective
    1. providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining;
    "an amusing speaker""a diverting story""a fun thing to do"