
[friː] [friː]
  • 第三人称单数:frees;
  • 过去式:freed;
  • 过去分词:freed;
  • 现在分词:freeing;
  • 比较级:freer;
  • 最高级:freest;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "解放,释放" 的意思
    • for free
      (informal)without cost or payment (非正式)免费地,无偿地
    • free and easy
      informal and relaxed 随便的,无拘无束
    • free, gratis, and for nothing
      (humorous)without charge (幽默)不收费地
    • a free hand
      freedom to act at one's own discretion 自行处理权;自主权;全权;放手干的权力
    • free on board (或 rail)
      (缩略词: f.o.b. 或 f.o.r.)including or assuming delivery without charge to a ship or railway wagon 离岸价格;船(或火车)上交货;装船(或装火车)免费
    • (a) free rein
    • a free ride
      used in reference to a situation in which someone benefits without having to make a fair contribution 占便宜;无本获利,白得
    • the free world
      the non-communist countries of the world, as formerly opposed to the Soviet bloc 自由世界(统指以前反对苏联集团的非共产主义国家)
    • it's a free country
      said when asserting that a course of action is not illegal or forbidden, often in justification of it 这里是自由国家(用于声称做某事不违法或不受禁止,常有辩解之意)
    • make free with
      treat without ceremony or proper respect 擅自处理;随意对待
    • for free【非正式用语】
      Without charge. 免费的
    • It frees us from painful memories.
    • High-flyers ( ' , 能干的人) who are forced to work in teams may be undervalued and free-riders empowered.
    • Some critics say it is a luxury and shouldn't be free to families able to pay.
    • They try to stop their economy from going into free-fall.
    • The teachers must be free to teach in their own way—the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course.
    • Neither children nor adults could resist the temptation of a free toy.
    • In Venezuela, collapsing oil prices have sent its economy into free-fall.
    • After swiping(敲击)into the iPad app (应用软件 ), which you can get for free here, he opens up a few different types of textbooks.
    • Money is the foundation of many a happy marriage People are being lured (引诱)onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing they're paying for it by giving up toads of personal information
    • She walked to the local grocery store to buy broken biscuits which were much cheaper, and to get a free bone for her much loved dog.
    • Worst of all, when her son, Ned, fell and injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor and spent hours looking for free medical help
    • Well, at 3:30, you're seeing our sales representative there and then you're free till the evening.
    • Results of a recent Harry's poll on free time shows that the average-work week for many Americans is 50 hours
    • However, having free time to relax and pursue hobbies is important.
    • In different countries, free time is spent in different ways
    • In a similar survey conducted in Japan, the most popular free time activity was eating out.
    • Although people around the world may enjoy doing similar things in their free time, there's evidence to suggest that these interests are changing
    • Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the Web, e- mafling friends or playing games online.
    • The editor is not only offered $5,000 to pay off his newspaper's debts, but this Smith character also offers his services for free
    • In free time for children to follow their own interests
    • Then he saw a small parking lot with two free spaces.
    • He provides oxygen masks to children free of charge.
    • "I try to make things as inexpensive as possible," said Hunt, who uses free digital textbooks for his classes but designs his own curriculum.
      2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • Any social group that encourages free exchange of ideas and pursuit of knowledge is beneficial.
      2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • Careme would often spend his free afternoons at the nearby National library reading book on art and architecture.
      2018年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • Museum's special exhibition area will now be free of charge.
      2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
    • The teachers must be free to teach in their own way— the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course.
      2016年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
    • They sent me an invitation with a note saying I could take a friend for free on the first day.
      2018年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
    • We also have a free airport shuttle service.
      2017年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
    • When I asked his opinion on this matter, he responded, ui like in-class exams because the time is already reserved, as opposed to using my free time at home to work on a test.
      2017年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • While cereal remains a firm favourite among breakfast consumers in the UK and US, a recent investigation into the sugar content of "adult" breakfast cereals found that some cereals contain more than three-quarters of the recommended daily amount of free s
      2019年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • Working-class parents, meanwhile, believe their children will naturally thrive, and give them far greater independence and time for free play.
    • Winners of local contests will participate in the national math competition for free.
    • The Math Olympiad Summer Training Program is a three-week math camp held by the Mathematical Association of America that leads straight to the international championship and is free for those who make it.
    • Haslam has said colleges would be free to opt in or out of the outsourcing plan, which has not been finalized.
    • Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education, he said, while the free water and nutrients from human waste can help urban farmers in developing countries to escape poverty.
    • One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this ecological overshoot of the human economy, and found that we are using 1.2 Earth's-worth of environmental goods and services—the implication being that at some point the debt will be called in, and all those services—the things which the planet does for us for free—will grind to a halt.
    • During commercials, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen, prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue.
    • It was in a free fall, and it was a veryscary period, economist Martin Neil Baily said.
    • They are free from the greenhouse effects affecting forced riders.
    • Now we are told Members of Parliament ( ' , MPs) will have a free vote before parliament is dissolved in March.
    • Developed nations such as Australia, the United States, Canada, and European countries are essentially climate free-riders: causing the majority of the problems through high greenhouse gas emissions, while incurring few of the costs such as climate change's impact on food and water.
    • This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups, such as Italian Americans and Irish Americans, that had already been freed of widespread discrimination.
    • It is free from racial biases.
    • "We want to improve the quality of animal health and make it easier for farmers to maintain large landscapes where animals roam free," says Sukkarieh.
      2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
    • At the same time, we recognize that children might have an interest in entering adulthood free to create their own digital footprint.
      2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • But the only way college could be free is if the faculty and staff donated their time, the buildings required no maintenance, and campuses required no utilities.
      2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • For example, the Swedish jeans company Nudie Jeans offers free repair at twenty of their shops.
      2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • Free market capitalism hasn't freed us.
      2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • However, there are certain advantages of public universities, such as the fees being free.
      2016年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
    • In fact, they sometimes take their own lives because they are treated so badly, and because they believe they will be born again, free and living in their own land.
      2018年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this "ecological overshoot of the human economy", and found that we are using 1.2 Earth's-worth of environmental goods and services—the implication being that at some point the debt will be called in,
      2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • The aim was to enable older people to remain in their own homes for as long as possible, but this increased concern about the lack of coordination between free health and paid-for social car.
      2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • The average student's debt upon graduation now approaches $, 000, and as college becomes ever more expensive, calls to make it free are multiplying.
      2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • The average student's debt upon graduation now approaches $40, 000, and as college becomes ever more expensive, calls to make it "free" are multiplying.
      2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
    • The champions of free market capitalism promised their way of life would bring us freedom, but it wasn't freedom at all.
      2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • The National Health Service was free and wholly publicly provided.
      2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • You can also use apps like Off Time or Unplugged to create tech free zones by strategically scheduling automatic airplane modes.
      2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • Noun
      1. people who are free;
      "the home of the free and the brave"
    • Verb
      1. grant freedom to; free from confinement
      2. relieve from;
      "Rid the the house of pests"
      3. remove or force out from a position;
      "The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums""He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble"
      4. grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to;
      "She exempted me from the exam"
      5. make (information) available publication;
      "release the list with the names of the prisoners"
      6. free from obligations or duties
      7. free or remove obstruction from;
      "free a path across the cluttered floor"
      8. let off the hook;
      "I absolve you from this responsibility"
      9. part with a possession or right;
      "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest""resign a claim to the throne"
      10. make (assets) available;
      "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"
    • Adjective
      1. able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint;
      "free enterprise""a free port""a free country""I have an hour free""free will""free of racism""feel free to stay as long as you wish""a free choice"
      2. unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion;
      "free expansion""free oxygen""a free electron"
      3. costing nothing;
      "complimentary tickets"
      4. not occupied or in use;
      "a free locker""a free lane"
      5. not fixed in position;
      "the detached shutter fell on him""he pulled his arm free and ran"
      6. not held in servitude;
      "after the Civil War he was a free man"
      7. not taken up by scheduled activities;
      "a free hour between classes""spare time on my hands"
      8. not literal;
      "a loose interpretation of what she had been told""a free translation of the poem"
    • Adverb
      1. without restraint;
      "cows in India are running loose"
    • 体育: 轮空;自由的;随意的;顺风的;腾身的;
      机械: 自由场;[sound] field 均匀各向同性的媒质中,边界影响可以不计的声场。;自由电子激光器;free electron laser 以自由电子为工作物质,将高能电子束的能量转换成激光的装置。;
      法律: 免除;
      物理学: 自由感应衰减;free induction decay;自由体积模型;free volume model;自由电子模型;free electron model;自由离子模型;freeion model;
      电力: 无压隧洞;free flow tunnel;续流臂;free wheeling arm;