
['fəʊlɪeɪt] ['foʊlɪˌeɪt]
  • 第三人称单数:foliates;
  • 过去式:foliated;
  • 过去分词:foliated;
  • 现在分词:foliating;
  • 同义词
    • foliate的同义词之:
    • Verb
      1. hammer into thin flat foils;
      "foliate metal"
      2. decorate with leaves
      3. coat or back with metal foil;
      "foliate glass"
      4. number the pages of a book or manuscript
      5. grow leaves;
      "the tree foliated in Spring"
    • Adjective
      1. ornamented with foliage or foils;
      "foliate tracery""a foliated capital"
      2. (often used as a combining form) having or resembling a leaf or having a specified kind or number of leaves;
      "`foliate' is combined with the prefix `tri' to form the word `trifoliate'"
      3. (especially of metamorphic rock) having thin leaflike layers or strata