
[fɪt] [fɪt]
  • 复数:fits;
  • 第三人称单数:fits;
  • 过去式:fitted;
  • 过去分词:fitted;
  • 现在分词:fitting;
  • 比较级:fitter;
  • 最高级:fittest;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均有"使适合,适应" 的意思
      adapt :指人或物在原有情况下作某些改变以适应新的环境或不同的条件,强调改变的目的和重要性。
      conform :多指与某模式或规则相符,也引申指改变习惯等以适应新的环境。
      accommodate :书面用词,指以外部条件标准改变自己或某事以求得适应,着重改变或调节的有利。
      suit :指适合要求,从而使人满意愉快。
      fit :含义广,指人或物适合或适应某一目的或用途。
    • 以下这些形容词均表示"适当的"或"适合的" 的意思
    • 以下这些形容词均包含 "健康的,强健的" 的意思
    • as fit as a fiddle
      见 fiddle
    • fit the bill
    • fit like a glove
    • fit to bust
      with great energy 用力地,使劲地
    • if the cap fits (wear it)
    • see (或 think) fit
      consider it correct or acceptable to do something 认为正确(或合适)
    • give someone a fit
      (informal)greatly shock or anger someone (非正式)使大为震惊;使恶心;惹恼,激怒
    • have (或 throw) a fit
      (informal)be very surprised or angry (非正式)大吃一惊,很意外;很生气,恼怒
    • in fits (of laughter)
      (informal)highly amused (非正式)愉悦的,开心的,高兴的
    • in (或 by) fits and starts
      with irregular bursts of activity 断断续续地,间歇性地,一阵阵地,不时地
    • fit in
      (of a person) be socially compatible with other members of a group (人)与他人和谐相处;适应
    • fit someone/thing in (或 into)
      find room or have sufficient space for someone or something 安插,找地方放;把…放进
    • fit someone/thing out (或 up)
      provide with the necessary equipment, supplies, clothes, or other items for a particular situation 装备,装配;供给
    • fit someone up
      (Brit. informal)incriminate someone by falsifying evidence against them (英,非正式)伪造证据诬陷某人
    • Although they are both gainfully employed, they fit cleaning jobs into their nights and weekends, which is when their service is in most demand any way.
      2019年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
    • And then there are we rare folks who fit both those descriptions.
      2017年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • As one of the most brutal predators (食肉动物), killer whales may not fit the image of a cultured creature.
      2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A
    • If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.
      2019年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • I'm afraid I won't fit in.
      2018年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
    • Frederick's central idea, that stove, sink and kitchen table must be placed in such a relation that useless steps are avoided entirely, inspired the first fully fitted kitchen, designed in the 1920s by Margarete Schütter-Libotsky.
    • Even the technology press conferences, which have been high-profile in the past and reached a level of drama and theatrics fitting for a Las Vegas stage, have a different bent to them.
    • People physically fit enough to survive over 100 years ultimately give in to diseases such as Alzheimer’s, which affects the mind and cognitive function.
    • Imagine how intimidating it be for prospective students unfamiliar with the complexities of higher education to navigate this kind of information and then identify which schools are the best fit.
    • He hopes to distribute this information and help prospective college-goers find the best post-secondary fit.
    • But Oprah's particular brand of celebrity is not a good fit for the values of a university whose motto(座右铭),Veritas,means truth.
    • In Einstein's day, there were only a few thousand physicists worldwide, and the theoreticians who could intellectually rival Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar with seats to spare.
    • He is not fit to study science.
    • Nonetheless, the developers of the Chinatown garage are confident with the technology and are counting on it to squeeze 67 cars in an apartment-building basement that would otherwise fit only 24, accomplished by removing a maneuver space normally required.
    • The levers were fitted to the side of the tank next to each other.
    • We may as well travel while we're fit and healthy.
    • Somehow the old male and female stereotypes no longer fit
    • Mark is not fit to take charge of the Student Union.
    • But the movie that really made him famous was his second one, Rebel Without a Cause, that was about teenagers who felt like they didn't fit into society.
    • And cutting the working week would be conducive to the individual, giving millions of workers more time to spend as they see fit.
      2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
    • Flight attendants, firefighters, and police officers have to be over a certain height, and be physically fit.
      2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • These mini-satellites can fit in a launch vehicle's formerly "wasted space".
      2019年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • We believe that the number of people who fit that definition includes the majority of American workers, which prompted us to begin a study of workaholism in the U.S..
      2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • Noun
      1. a display of bad temper;
      "he had a fit""she threw a tantrum""he made a scene"
      2. a sudden uncontrollable attack;
      "a paroxysm of giggling""a fit of coughing""convulsions of laughter"
      3. the manner in which something fits;
      "I admired the fit of her coat"
      4. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason);
      "a burst of applause""a fit of housecleaning"
    • Verb
      1. be agreeable or acceptable to;
      "This suits my needs"
      2. be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired;
      "This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
      3. satisfy a condition or restriction;
      "Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?"
      4. make fit;
      "fit a dress""He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out"
      5. insert or adjust several objects or people;
      "Can you fit the toy into the box?""This man can't fit himself into our work environment"
      6. be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics;
      "The two stories don't agree in many details""The handwriting checks with the signature on the check""The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
      7. conform to some shape or size;
      "How does this shirt fit?"
      8. provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose;
      "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities"
      9. make correspond or harmonize;
      "Match my sweater"
    • Adjective
      1. meeting adequate standards for a purpose;
      "a fit subject for discussion""it is fit and proper that you be there""water fit to drink""fit for duty""do as you see fit to"
      2. (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed;
      "in no fit state to continue""fit to drop""laughing fit to burst""she was fit to scream""primed for a fight""we are set to go at any time"
      3. physically and mentally sound or healthy;
      "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday""keeps fit with diet and exercise"
    • 体育: 握扯;握拳姿势;配合;
      医学: 发作:以不恰当的和不自主的动作或精神活动为特征的发作。另见epilepsy;适合:一结构适合于另一结构,如牙的修复适合于该牙在口内的位置;
      法律: 符合;