  • Noun
    1. the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up;
    "his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled""he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation"
    2. the neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland
    3. something that agitates and arouses;
    "he looked forward to the excitements of the day"
  • 体育: 兴奋;刺激;激动;
    医学: 刺激,兴奋:刺激或对刺激的反应;能量的增添,如吸收光子对分子的激发作用;
    土木工程: 激振;
    心理学: 兴奋;
    机械: 激励;作用于系统,激起系统出现某种响应的外力或其他输入。;激发;使微观粒子系统(如原子、离子、分子等)由较低能级向较高能级的跃迁。;
    水利: 激励;激起结构系统出现振动的随时间变化的外力或其他输入。;
    物理学: 激发;
    生理学: 兴奋;
    电力: 励磁系统稳定性;excitation system stability;
    电工: 励磁;
    航天: 激励;