
[drʌm] [drʌm]
  • 第三人称单数:drums;
  • 过去式:drummed;
  • 过去分词:drummed;
  • 现在分词:drumming;
  • 例句
    • beat (或 bang) the drum of (或 for)
      be ostentatiously in support of 大张旗鼓地支持,大力支持,极力鼓吹
    • drum something into
      drive a lesson into (someone) by constant repetition 反复讲,灌输
    • drum someone out
      expel or dismiss someone with ignominy from a place or institution 轰走,开除
    • drum something up
      attempt to obtain something by canvassing or soliciting (以游说)竭力争取
    • drum up
      To bring about by continuous, persistent effort 竭力争取:通过持续不懈的努力带来 To devise; invent 编造;发明
    • Noun
      1. a musical percussion instrument; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretch across each end
      2. the sound of a drum;
      "he could hear the drums before he heard the fifes"
      3. a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends
      4. a cylindrical metal container used for shipping or storage of liquids
      5. a hollow cast-iron cylinder attached to the wheel that forms part of the brakes
      6. small to medium-sized bottom-dwelling food and game fishes of shallow coastal and fresh waters that make a drumming noise
    • Verb
      1. make a rhythmic sound;
      "Rain drummed against the windshield""The drums beat all night"
      2. play a percussion instrument
      3. study intensively, as before an exam;
      "I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam"
    • 体育: 拖线盘;托线盘;
      冶金学: 卷筒;
      医学: 〔NA〕中耳,鼓室;鼓膜:非严格用法,同membrana tympani〔NA〕;
      建筑: 鼓座;
      旅游: 鼓;
      水产: 卷筒;两端具有侧板的圆筒体,用于卷绕渔具的纲索或网具并作多层贮存的工作部件。;
      煤炭: 滚筒;又称 :滚筒(pulley);驱动输送带或改变其运行方向的圆筒形组件。;
      电力: 汽包;又称“锅筒”。;
      石油: 滚筒;
      航海科技: 卷筒;又称 :卷筒(barrel );
      船舶: 卷筒;两端具有凸缘,用以收放和储存绳索的圆筒。;