
[dɪ'stɔ:ʃn] [dɪˈstɔrʃən]
  • 复数:distortions;
  • 动词:distort;
  • 例句
    • The distortion is actually thanks to a peculiarity of the glassmakers' process.
      2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
    • What a distortion of resilience! A resilient child is a well-rested one.
      2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • Noun
      1. a change for the worse
      2. a shape resulting from distortion
      3. an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image
      4. a change (usually undesired) in the waveform of an acoustic or analog electrical signal; the difference between two measurements of a signal (as between the input and output signal);
      "heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion"
      5. the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean
      6. the mistake of misrepresenting the facts
    • 公路科技: 扭曲;
      医学: 扭转:正常或自然形状、位置的扭曲。心理学上指对潜意识或冲动的改头换面,俾能为意识所接受。光学和放射学上指影像与物体或结构的真实轮廓或形状的偏离;
      数学: 失真;
      机械: 畸变;横向放大率随视场的增大而变化所引起的一种失去物像相似的像差,但不影响像的清晰度。;
      物理学: 畸变;
      电子学: 失真;
      电工: 畸变;
      航天: 畸变;
      药学: 变形;
      通信: 失真;又称“畸变”。任何非故意造成的且通常不希望有的信号变化。;
      铁道: 畸变;