  • be in someone's debt
    owe gratitude to someone for a service or favour 欠某人人情债;受某人的恩惠
  • Unfortunately, many federal and state laws impose post-conviction restrictions on a shockingly large number of Americans, who are prevented from ever fully paying their debt to society.
  • they have borrowed too heavily and accumulated too large amounts of debt
  • For example, but for the savings and loan debacle, there might be funds available to reduce the national debt and pay for education.
  • He didn't want to be in too much debt.
  • One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this ecological overshoot of the human economy, and found that we are using 1.2 Earth's-worth of environmental goods and services—the implication being that at some point the debt will be called in, and all those services—the things which the planet does for us for free—will grind to a halt.
  • What a waste of money! In return for an average of ~44,000 of debt, students get an average of only 14 hours of lecture and tutorial time a week in Britain.
  • There's a lot for students to complain about: the repayment threshold for paying back loans will be frozen for five years, meaning that lower-paid graduates have to start repaying their loans; and maintenance grants have been replaced by loans, meaning that students from poorer backgrounds face higher debt than those with wealthier parents.
  • Schoololeavers may moan, but they have little choice but to embrace university and the student debt that comes with it.
  • Few students are willing to bear the burden of debt incurred at university.
  • Almost half of graduates--those who go on to earn less--will have a portion of their debt written off.
  • And though Hu Jintao and the rest of the Chinese leadership aren't inclined to lecture visiting Presidents, he might gently hint that Beijing is getting a little nervous about the value of the dollar-which has fallen 15% since March, in large part because of increasing fears that America's debt load is becoming unmanageable.
  • When Beijing mentions in public the huge debts America owes China.
  • Meanwhile, tuition has soared, leaving graduating students with unprecedented loan debt.
  • The school keeps the money, but the kid leaves with loads of debt and no degree and no ability to get a better job.
  • Often they wind up deeply in debt or simply unable to pay after a year or two and must drop out
  • Almost half of graduates—those who go on to earn less—will have a portion of their debt written off.
    2016年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • But to build up my own finances, I need around 20% more in personal savings and 50% less debt.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • From the lack of secure, affordable housing to growing job insecurity and rising personal debt, the individual is trapped.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • In return for an average of £44,000 of debt, students get an average of only 14 hours of lecture and tutorial time a week in Britain.
    2016年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this "ecological overshoot of the human economy", and found that we are using 1.2 Earth's-worth of environmental goods and services—the implication being that at some point the debt will be called in,
    2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • The average student's debt upon graduation now approaches $, 000, and as college becomes ever more expensive, calls to make it free are multiplying.
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • The average student's debt upon graduation now approaches $40, 000, and as college becomes ever more expensive, calls to make it "free" are multiplying.
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • The first thing every bank will do is study how much money I have and how much debt I have before they decide whether or not to lend me any more money.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • Noun
    1. the state of owing something (especially money);
    "he is badly in debt"
    2. money or goods or services owed by one person to another
    3. an obligation to pay or do something
  • 医学: 债;
    法律: 债务;欠款;