  • 以下这两个名词均包含 "城市" 的意思
  • an accelerating speeda shift to city centersa new focus on small citiesan ever-increasing demandPeople can live without private cars.
  • Urbanization – migration away from the suburbs and to the city center – will be the biggest real estate trend in 2015, according to a new report.
  • The report says America's urbanization will continue to be the most significant issue affecting the industry, as cities across the country imitate the walkability and transit-oriented development making cities like New York and San Francisco so successful.
  • The report refers to this as the coming of the 18-hour city, and uses the term to refer to cities like Houston, Austin, Charlotte, and Nashville, which are positioning themselves as highly competitive, in terms of livability, employment offerings, and recreational and cultural facilities.
  • As smaller cities copy the model of these 24-hour cities, more affordable versions of these places will be created.
  • After that, survey respondents disagree over whether this generation will follow in their parents' footsteps, moving to the suburbs to raise families, or will choose to remain in the city center.
  • Today, when time zones have less and less meaning, there is little tolerance for offices' closing for lunch, and worsening traffic in cities means workers can't make it home and back fast enough anyway.
  • More people who lived in cities and suburbs said they wanted to try driverless cars than those who lived in rural areasWhile there's reason to believe that interest in self-driving cars is going up across the board, a person's age will have little to do with how self-driving cars can become mainstream.
  • Cathy Nonas is with the New York City Department of Health.
  • Big fast food chains in New York City have started to obey a first-of-its-kind rule requiring them to post calorie counts right on the menu.
  • The weather is terrible, particularly in winter, and there's no interesting old city to make up for it, as there is in Boston.
  • It is an old city with many sites of historical interest.
  • Last night 40,000 people rented accommodation from a service that offers 250,000 rooms in 30,000 cities in 192 countries.
  • Andrew's runs a food pantry(食品堂)that serves the city and several of the surrounding towns.
  • The company changed its privacy rules so that many things you city
  • Districts all over the country are taking notice, along with mayors in cities like New York, Chicago and San Diego.
  • It embraces district-sanctioned magnet schools, such as the Talented and Gifted School, with 198 students, and the Science and Engineering Magnet,with383,which share a building in Dallas, as well as the City Honors School in Buffalo, N.Y., which grew out of volunteerevening seminars for students.
  • Yeah, but that only leaves me 30 minutes to clear customs in getting to the city center and (13) it means I have to check in by 5:30, which means leaving home at about 4:
  • The city is very hot this time of the year.
  • Lisa, our little company, and it is little compared to the giants in the city
  • City officials cooperated with the 4-H members in planting trees, building cooking facilities, pick-me tables, swings and public rest rooms.
  • They were encouraged by the city officials' praise
  • He ran home and telephoned the city police to say that his car had been stolen.
  • Lewis had to take a taxi to visit the city garage far from the city center.
  • The supermarkets outside the city are so much cheaper.
  • A business professor says that a future city should have easy access to international transportation.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • A South Korean city designed for the future takes on a life of its own.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • According to an urban design professor, it is difficult for city designers to foresee what happen in the future.
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  • After making a stop for a few hours at a British station on the edge of Antarctica, the two workers were flown to the southernmost Chilean city of Punta Arenas.
    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • And it's becoming a great place to work," says Scott Summers, the vice president of Gale International, the developer of the city.
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  • And that's the probe Songdo has become a popular Korean city —more popular as a residential area than a business one.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • Big fast food chains in New York city have started to obey a first-of-its-kind rule requiring them to post calorie counts right on the menu.
    2016年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • But it takes a lot more than a nearby airport to be a city of the future.
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  • Byun Young-jin chairs the Songdo real estate association and started selling property here when the first phase of the city opened in 2005.
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  • Cathy Nonas is with the New York city Department of Health.
    2016年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Cities that get more rainfall than Seattle include Huston, Memphis, Nashville, and pretty much every major city on the eastern coast, such as New York, Boston, and Miami.
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  • Gazing down on the city from the Getty Center, an art museum in the Santa Monica Mountains, one would find the view of the Pacific Ocean blurred by the haze.
    2018年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A
  • Getting around a city is one thing — and then there's the matter of getting from one city to another.
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  • If city leaders were more accountable to their residents, they might favour projects designed to help them more.
    2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • In 2014 City Hall developed a plan to knock down the building and replace it with affordable housing.
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  • In 2014, UNESCO gave Italy two years to manage Venice's flourishing tourism or the city would be placed on another list—World Heritage In Danger, joining such sites as Aleppo and Palmyra,destroyed by the war in Syria.
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  • Interstate highways connect just about every large and mid-sized city in the country.
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  • It's expected to raise $410 million over the next five years, most of which will go toward funding a universal pre-kindergarten program for the city.
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  • I've got a second interview with that big foreign accountancy firm in the city center.
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  • New York city police captured a cow on the loose in Prospect Park on Tuesday after the animal became an attraction for tourists while walking along the streets and enjoying the park facilities.
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  • One vision of the perfect city of the future: a place that offers easy access to air travel.
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  • Park Yeon Soo conceived this city of the future back in 1986.
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  • Philadelphia's new measure was approved by a 13 to 4 city council vote.
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  • Songdo has ended up different from the city it was supposed to be.
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  • Songdo, a city built from scratch in South Korea, is one of Kasarda's prime examples.
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  • That feeling echoes the beliefs of the Therapeutic Food Pantry program at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, which completed its pilot phase and is about to expand on an ongoing basis to five clinic sites throughout the city.
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  • That hurts the ancient wooden poles holding up the city underwater.
    2018年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • The city is still unfinished, and it feels a bit like a theme park.
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  • The city was supposed to be a hub for global companies, with employees from all over the world.
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  • The fifth largest city in US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy 1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors.
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  • The weather is terrible, particularly in winter, and there's no interesting old city to make up for it, as there is in Boston.
    2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • Thirty years after he imagined the city, Park's baby is close to 70 percent built, with 36.
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  • Until now, the only city to successfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in 2014.
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  • When night falls, red and blue and other colors cast a hazy glow over a city lit up by tens of thousands of neon signs.
    2018年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court.
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  • Its flagship stores in major U.S. cities depend heavily on international tourist spending, which shrank at many retailers due to a strong dollar.
  • A New York City-based nonprofit called Bridge to Enter Mathematics runs a residential summer program aimed at getting underserved students, mostly black and Hispanic, working toward math and science careers.
  • You will hear more and more about migration between countries and between rural areas and cities.
  • Unlike developed cities, however, these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities, and rivers effectively become sewers ( ' , 下水道).
  • The report focused on poor urban areas, where farms in or near cities supply relatively inexpensive food.
  • Assist the city government in reforming schools.
  • Secretary Anthony Foxx, to talk about smart cities, and Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Michael Huerta, to talk about drones.
  • So what factors, at the community level, do predict if poor children will move up the economic ladder as adults? What explains, for instance, why the Salt Lake City metro area is one of the 100 largest metropolitan areas most likely to lift the fortunes of the poor and the Atlanta metro area is one of the least likely?Harvard economist Raj Chetty has pointed to economic and racial segregation, community density, the size of a community's middle class, the quality of schools, community religiosity, and family structure, which he calls the single strongest correlate of upward mobility.
  • Chetty finds that communities like Salt Lake City, with high levels of two-parent families and religiosity, are much more likely to see poor children get ahead than communities like Atlanta, with high levels of racial and economic segregation.
  • Across the developed world, ear use is in decline as more people move to city centers, while young people especially are opting for other means of travel.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A
  • Also, Venice, the city eternally threatened by the sea, where every morning wooden pathways have to be set up to allow tourists to reach their hotels.
    2017年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • And his home city of Sacramento, California should see the technology's first test.
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  • As part of the upgrading of its rail yard, Kasselman, who is an inventor and self-proclaimed "steam visionary", is campaigning for a new steam train that runs without any fire and could run on an existing ten- kilometer line, driving tourists and perhaps
    2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • Assuming all goes well, the airport should open in October 2020, but the still empty airport stands as the biggest embarrassment to Germany's reputation for efficiency and a continuing drain on city and state resources.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • Chetty finds that communities like Salt Lake city, with high levels of two- parent families and religiosity, are much more likely to see poor children get ahead than communities like Atlanta, with high levels of racial and economic segregation.
    2015年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • City University of New York CUNY, Rutgers University, and Indiana University were out of reach as were mississippi State and the University of Alabama, where I would have to pay out-of-state fees.
    2018年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • In 2012, the city planted opening ceremony.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • Instead, I dreamed of living in New York City and my parents obliged me with a visit to New York University's NYU campus.
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  • Movement out of city centers was widespread, and downtown tenants were predominantly made up of the working poor.
    2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • My school didn't come pre-packaged like the more popular options, so we were left to take care of ourselves, figuring out city life and trying to complete degree programs that no one was championing for us to succeed in.
    2018年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • So Frankie in both real life and in the TV show lives in New York city, is a comic, is divorced, and has two little daughters.
    2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • So what would a smug-free, or at least low-pollution, city be like?
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A
  • Still, the track coach had offered me a walk-on spot, and I actually found the urban Atlanta campus a decent consolation prize after New York city.
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  • The city broke ground on the new airport in 2006.
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  • There are more than plenty in our city, and we felt they are all rather similar to each other.
    2018年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • These scenes are turning up in the southern French city of Arles, surprising the historians who have been working here since 2014.
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  • We can see this in almost every large city worldwide.
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  • We have a cafe and library upstairs and a ticket office down the hall where you can buy tickets to all the major Jazz concerts in the city.
    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • Noun
    1. a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts;
    "Ancient Troy was a great city"
    2. an incorporated administrative district established by state charter;
    "the city raised the tax rate"
    3. people living in a large densely populated municipality;
    "the city voted for Republicans in 1994"
  • 地理学: 城市;
    建筑: 城市;
    法律: 市;