
[bɑːθ] [bæθ]
  • 复数:baths;
  • 第三人称单数:baths;
  • 过去式:bathed;
  • 现在分词:bathing;
  • 例句
    • an early bath
      (Brit. informal)used in reference to the sending off of a sports player during a match (英, 非正式)(运动员)提前退场
    • take a bath
      (informal)suffer a heavy financial loss (非正式)遭受惨重经济损失
    • Betsan Corkhill, a wellness coach in Bath, England, and author of the book Knit for Health and Wellness, established a website, Stitchlinks, to explore the value of what she calls therapeutic knitting.
      2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • Pain relieving creams don't work, but a hot shower, or warm bath can provide some relief.
      2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • They also, however, use far more natural resources—fuel, water ( ' , all those baths and golf courses) and building materials.
    • Harrogate became a fashionable resort during Victorian times, when people came to take a bath in the mineral waters.
    • Bria Dunham, a mother in Somerville, Massachusetts, was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos.
      2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • Noun
      1. a vessel containing liquid in which something is immersed (as to process it or to maintain it at a constant temperature or to lubricate it);
      "she soaked the etching in an acid bath"
      2. you soak your body in a bathtub;
      "he has a good bath every morning"
      3. a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body
      4. an ancient Hebrew liquid measure equal to about 10 gallons
      5. a room (as in a residence) containing a bath or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet
    • Verb
      1. clean one's body by immersion into water;
      "The child should bathe every day"
    • 体育: 球场;游泳池;跳水池;
      冶金学: 熔池;
      医学: 浴:浴剂:一种传导或对流介质,如水,蒸气,沙或湿泥,用以洗濯,或部分或全身浸入其中,达到治疗或清洁目的。又称balneum;沐浴:使用传导或对流介质于身体,以达治疗或清洁目的;浴器:身体或物件可浸于内的设备或科学仪器;