
[bæt] [bæt]
  • 复数:bats;
  • 第三人称单数:bats;
  • 过去式:batted;
  • 过去分词:batted;
  • 现在分词:batting;
  • 例句
    • off one's own bat
      (Brit.)at one's own instigation; spontaneously (英)自发地;主动地
    • right off the bat
      (N. Amer.)at the very beginning; straight away (北美)一开始;马上
    • have bats in the (或 one's) belfry
      (informal)be eccentric or mad (非正式)行为乖张;想法荒诞;精神失常
    • like a bat out of hell
      (informal)very fast and wildly (非正式)飞快地;不顾一切地
    • not bat (或 without batting) an eyelid (或 eye)
      (informal)show (or showing) no surprise or concern (非正式)连眼睛也不眨一眨;毫不惊讶;毫不在意
    • bat around (或 about)
      (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)travel widely, frequently, or casually (非正式, 主 北美)(在…)漫游;(在…)到处闲逛
    • bat something around (或 about)
    • bat for (或 go to bat for)
      (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)defend the interests of; support (非正式, 主 北美)维护;支持
    • at bat&I{【体育运动】}
      Taking one's turn to bat, as in baseball or cricket. 轮到某人击球:轮到某人击球,如在棒球和板球中
    • go to bat for
      To give assistance to; defend. 防守:给予帮助和援助;防卫
    • off the bat
      Without hesitation; immediately 立即:毫不犹豫地;立即地
    • have bats in (one's) belfry
      To behave in an eccentric, bizarre manner. 行为古怪,举止异常
    • Noun
      1. nocturnal mouselike mammal with forelimbs modified to form membranous wings and anatomical adaptations for echolocation by which they navigate
      2. (baseball) a turn batting;
      "he was at bat when it happened""he got 4 hits in 4 at-bats"
      3. a small racket with a long handle used for playing squash
      4. a bat used in playing cricket
      5. a club used for hitting a ball in various games
    • Verb
      1. strike with, or as if with a baseball bat;
      "bat the ball"
      2. wink briefly;
      "bat one's eyelids"
      3. have a turn at bat;
      "Jones bats first, followed by Martinez"
      4. use a bat;
      "Who's batting?"
      5. beat thoroughly in a competition or fight;
      "We licked the other team on Sunday!"
    • 体育: 球棒;
      旅游: 蝙蝠;