  • turn to ashes in one's mouth
    (become) something that is bitterly disappointing or worthless (变成)极为令人失望(或无价值)的东西
  • rise (或 emerge) from the ashes
    be renewed after destruction. (see phoenix) 毁后被重建
  • Although the planned operation will be located more than miles away, drawing the soda ash in through pipelines, conservationists worry it could still upset the natural water cycle and breeding grounds.
    2017年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • The Tanzanian government has once again started mining the lake for soda ash, used for making chemicals, glass and detergents.
    2017年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • Noun
    1. the residue that remains when something is burned
    2. any of various deciduous pinnate-leaved ornamental or timber trees of the genus Fraxinus
    3. strong elastic wood of any of various ash trees; used for furniture and tool handles and sporting goods such as baseball bats
  • Verb
    1. convert into ashes
  • 体育: 球棒;
    农学: 草木灰;
    化学: 灰分;
    医学: 灰烬:任何焚化处理剩余不能燃烧的残渣;白蜡树:白蜡树属(Fraxinus)中任何一种,其中F.ornus等提供甘露醇,许多种的树皮可作收敛药及抗疟药;
    植物学: 灰分;
    煤炭: 灰分;煤样在规定条件下完全燃烧后所得残留物。;