  • ace up one's sleeve(或北美 in the hole)
    a plan or piece of information kept secret until it becomes necessary to use it 手中握有王牌;有应急妙计
  • hold all the aces
    have all the advantages 占尽优势
  • play one's ace
    use one's best resource 打出王牌;使出绝招
  • within an ace of
    On the verge of; very near to 差一点,几乎;非常接近
  • ace in the hole
    A hidden advantage or resource kept in reserve until needed. 锦囊妙计:隐藏的优势或资源,一直保存到需要时
  • Apple and other tech companies hold another ace: the technical means to keep making their devices more and more inaccessible.
    2017年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Noun
    1. the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number;
    "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it""they had lunch at one"
    2. one of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face
    3. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
    4. a serve that the receiver is unable to reach
  • Verb
    1. succeed at easily;
    "She sailed through her exams""You will pass with flying colors""She nailed her astrophysics course"
    2. score an ace against;
    "He aced his opponents"
    3. play (a hole) in one stroke
    4. serve an ace against (someone)
  • Adjective
    1. of the highest quality;
    "an ace reporter""a crack shot""a first-rate golfer""a super party""played top-notch tennis""an athlete in tiptop condition""she is absolutely tops"