
[ˈsʌmɪt] [ˈsʌmɪt]
  • 复数:summits;
  • 相关单词 summitsthe summit
    • The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world, read the final declaration from this gathering, the first of a sequence which would lead to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 and the World Development Summit in Johannesburg three years ago.
    • Its sheer rock sides sweep up from a broad base until they cut off abruptly at the flat summit.
    • For one thing, our index backs up a simple but profound statement made by Hillary Clinton at the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit
    • Population ageing is on every agenda, from G8 economic conferences to NATO summits.
    • "The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world," read the final declaration from this gathering, the first of a sequence which would lead to t
      2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
    • Sommerkorn says a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming needs to come out of the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit in December.
      2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
    • Noun
      1. the highest level or degree attainable;
      "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty""the artist's gifts are at their acme""at the height of her career""the peak of perfection""summer was at its peak""...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame""the summit of his ambition""so many highest superlatives achieved by man""at the top of his profession"
      2. the top point of a mountain or hill;
      "the view from the peak was magnificent""they clambered to the summit of Monadnock"
      3. a meeting of heads of governments
    • Verb
      1. reach the summit of a mountain;
      "Many mountaineers go up Mt. Everest but not all summit"
    • 体育: 顶峰;
      医学: 顶:最高点;