
[ˌəʊvərəˈtʃi:v] [ˌoʊvərəˈtʃiv]
  • 第三人称单数:overachieves;
  • 过去式:overachieved;
  • 过去分词:overachieved;
  • 现在分词:overachieving;
  • 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典释义
    • VERB
      If someone overachieves in something such as school work or a job, they work very hard, especially in a way that makes them tired or unhappy. They want to be successful because it is very important to them to do well and not because they enjoy what they are doing.
      ...emotions such as guilt, compulsion to please or overachieve, or depression. 诸如愧疚、沮丧、总想取悦于人和凡事争强好胜等种种情绪
    • Verb
      1. perform better or achieve a greater degree of success than expected;
      "His daughter always overachieves"