
[sneə(r)] [sner]
  • 复数:snares;
  • 第三人称单数:snares;
  • 过去式:snared;
  • 过去分词:snared;
  • 现在分词:snaring;
  • 例句
    • Noun
      1. something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares;
      "the exam was full of trap questions""it was all a snare and delusion"
      2. a small drum with two heads and a snare stretched across the lower head
      3. a surgical instrument consisting of wire hoop that can be drawn tight around the base of polyps or small tumors to sever them; used especially in body cavities
      4. strings stretched across the lower head of a snare drum; they make a rattling sound when the drum is hit
      5. a trap for birds or small mammals; often has a noose
    • Verb
      1. catch in or as if in a trap;
      "The men trap foxes"
      2. entice and trap;
      "The car salesman had snared three potential customers"
    • 体育: 抓住;抓举;攫取;夺得;拿;急动摇;
      医学: 勒除器:一种钢丝套圈或套索,套在息肉或肿瘤基底部然后收缩勒紧,用以摘除息肉或肿瘤;
      药学: 圈套器;