
[ʃɒp] [ʃɑːp]
  • 复数:shops;
  • 第三人称单数:shops;
  • 过去式:shopped;
  • 过去分词:shopped;
  • 现在分词:shopping;
  • 例句
    • 以下这4个名词都含有"商店" 的意思
      department作商店解时,是美国英语,通常写为department store。
    • 以下这5个名词都含有"商店" 的意思
    • 以下这6个名词都含有"商店" 的意思
    • all over the shop
      见 all
    • set up shop
      establish oneself in a business 开店;开业
    • shop around
      To go from store to store in search of merchandise or bargains. 逐店选购:从一家商店到另一家商店,寻找商品或便宜货 To look for something, such as a better job. 寻找想要的东西:寻找某物,如一个更好的工作 To offer (a large block of common stock, for example) for sale to various parties 出售股票:把(比如大量普通股票)卖给各方
    • talk shop
      To talk about one's work. 谈论自己的工作
    • Tom Moses, who works at a nearby national park, noticed a brown patch on the back of the car after the owner parked it to do some shopping.
    • What, then, are the effects of thinking about time in these different ways? Does one make us more productive? Better at the tasks at hand? Happier? In experiments conducted by Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier, they had participants organize different activities—from project planning, holiday shopping, to yoga—by time or to-do list to measure how they performed under clock time vs task time.
    • The kind of shopping—where you hand over notes and count out change in return—now happens only in the most minor of our retail encounters, like buying a bar of chocolate or a pint of milk from a corner shop.
    • The common prescription is to primarily shop the grocery store, since that's where fresh produce, meat and seafood, and dairy are.
    • At the shops where you spend any real money, that money is increasingly abstracted.
    • Just as internet shopping forced Wal-mart and Tesco to adapt, so online sharing will shake up transport, tourism, equipment-hire and more
    • The sharing economy is likely to go the way of online shopping
    • She always argued about prices in shops.
    • The project is a growing one and is spread from the park to the school and the shopping center.
    • Trees and flowers have all been planted in the shopping center, making the atmosphere pleasant
    • Over 60% of them make shopping lists.
    • Steven Kayne, who has just taken over and established bicycle shop.
    • Kayne do before he took over the bicycle shop
    • Why did the man take over a bicycle shop?
    • What do we learn about the people working in the shop
    • in nearby shopping centres, but we don't need to do that anymore.
    • He hires children to distribute ads in shopping centers
    • Do you think I could borrow your car to go grocery shopping?
    • The man needn't go shopping every week
    • He's a difficult man, and I think there's been some trouble on the shop floor.
      2016年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
    • Songdo still lacks the financial stimulus for businesses to set up shop there.
      2019年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • The busy streets in Paris were uneven and caked in thick mud, but there was always a breathtaking sight to see in the shop windows of Patisserie de la Rue de la Paix.
      2018年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
    • The center's "Shop with Your Doc" program sends doctors to the grocery store to meet with any patients who sign up for the service, plus any other shoppers who happen to be around with questions.
      2018年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • The manager told me that Jack Green's been very active around the shop the last few days.
      2016年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B
    • Macy's has been moving aggressively to try to remake itself for a new era of shopping.
    • More and more will shop online.
    • It is the busiest shopping day of the year.
    • Good morning! America’s holiday shopping season starts on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.
    • About 183.8 million people will shop on Cyber Monday, the first Monday after Thanksgiving.
    • About 136 million people will shop during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend.
    • You say your shop has been doing well, could you give me some idea of what doing well means in facts and figures?Birds are famous for carrying things around.
    • The shopping center is flooded with people.
    • Most of them are specially made for his shop.
    • The kitchenware in his shop is of unique design
    • He went shopping with the woman.
    • A recent study graded more than 600 internet retailers on how easy it was for consumers to shop, buy, and pay.
      2019年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • And since we've moved to this new shop, the expenses have increased greatly because it's a much bigger shop.
      2016年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
    • How do the local shopkeepers feel about having a shop doing so well in their midst?
      2016年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
    • It is about devising retail models that work for people who are making increasing use of a growing array of internet-connected tools to change how they search, shop, and buy.
      2019年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • Now that you mention there's a sale going on,I do remember a dress I quite like when I was in the shop on Sunday.
      2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
    • Or head out to the mall, or Main Street, look and shop, and buy.
      2019年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • People can shop more efficiently online and therefore don't need to go to as many stores to find what they want.
      2019年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
    • You say your shop has been doing well, could you give me some idea of what "doing well" means in facts and figures?
      2016年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
    • Noun
      1. a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services;
      "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"
      2. small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done
      3. a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity);
      "I built a birdhouse in shop"
    • Verb
      1. do one's shopping;
      "She goes shopping every Friday"
      2. do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
      3. shop around; not necessarily buying;
      "I don't need help, I'm just browsing"
      4. give away information about somebody;
      "He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
    • 计算机: 计算站;车间; 商店; 工作间;